Saturday, December 2, 2017

pushing through

Y'all.  There are no words for the menace that is chronic pain.  Some of us have a much higher tolerance for it which puts us at risk for "doing too much" as my Mama would say.  At 62 I'm walking a circle on conrete floors for a living.  I seriously love what I do but it's hard on the old body.  I need a desk job!

Tom came out to show me some prints of his work here on the farm and they are to die for.  Then Shirley ran the battery out and I had to go give 'em a boost by the silos.  He's lucky he had cables because I don't know where mine are.  

It's a beautiful day in the hood for December.  Warm enough for short sleeves.  When I drove by Gail and Fred's "church home" I saw her sitting outside with kids.  We all go ALL the way back.  

I'm not gonna' rant about the tax bill because I see revolt coming big time.  People are realizing that we've been screwed ever since Trump decided to run.  He's a freakin' game show host for the love of god.  Meanwhile he's making MORE money than God and killing life as we know it.  When the stock market takes a plunge on today's tidbit, you can bet things are about to get hairy.  Hide you cash in a jar in the yard.

We all know that Russia was involved in that election.  To what extent, I can't tell you.  It just seems like Syria dropped off the radar afterwards.  Then people started fighting over every little thing here in our own country...rehashing the past and trying to re-create it.  When it comes to hedge fund managers I almost understand 9/11.  Almost.

They hate us and we had no business getting into a war that resulted in thousands of civilian and military deaths.  Instead of securing the borders then, we went trillions into debt to benefit Dick Cheney.  Remember when those contractors got burned on the bridge in Fallujah?  That's when I would have said get the hell out.  Many journalists lost their lives as well.  Matt Lauer was not one of them.  That happened this week.

I hear gunshots so that must mean almost sunset in the holler.  Maybe they're killing the coyotes.

Onward ~

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