Wednesday, July 26, 2017

under the train

One of the most haunting moments in House of Cards to me was when Frank pushed Zoey in front of that moving train and never looked back.  That kind of cold hearted calculated "collateral" damage is pretty common in politics and the business world in general.  I slept for 14 hours from near exhaustion and dreamed on and off about all things job related. Too bad it wasn't about happy stuff like rainbows and unicorns.   Pretty much it was the about the cause of the previously mentioned exhaustion.  

We all know a Frank Underwood.  Someone who is totally self centered and goal oriented toward personal success at the expense of others.  While I pity them for missing out on the important things in life, I also realize that they exist and just don't care.  Kind of like POTUS and family.  They're dropping like flies and healthcare is still flapping in the breeze.  If I were y'all I would get whatever you need fixed tended to because who knows how it's going to all end up.  One thing for sure is this:  Hospital ERs will become even more of a stomping ground for those who have no insurance with the massive proposed cuts to Medicaid.  Without Planned Parenthood there will be more STDS and unplanned pregnancy in a world where women's rights and health are already at high risk.  Plus, there's that disturbing little Russia side drama.  

I want so badly to believe in the election process where each vote counts but with all the ways available to suppress voters and swing elections, it's a pipe dream.  We have a viable Democratic gubernatorial candidate for the first time in forever here in Tennessee.  Though I admire a lot of the good things done under Governor Haslam like small business development, I am deeply disturbed with our refusal of medicaid funds and the carrying on of one of our Senators in particular.  He is of the old school where power is everything.  I remember supporting him as a teenager just because my parents were Republicans.  Now?  Not so much.  

My personal philsophy on Christianity is to forgive but never forget who hung you on the cross.  In spite of his betrayal and abandonment, Jesus chose to make the sacrifice.  So many people think that once they've screwed up there's no forgiveness.  I prefer to believe that it's a gift and all is forgiven UNTIL you realize that how you have treated others is wrong.  With some folks, that never happens.  I can think of several things I've done that I should be totally ashamed of but here's the thing.  Once I became aware that I was doing wrong, I refused to go there any longer.  That's when it becomes a sin.  

Weather update:  Still hot as hades for about two weeks now.  Screw the garden and the more redneck waterhose.  When it's too hot to even make the effort to keep that stuff alive, it's time to give up the ghost on the growing season.  

I haven't gotten a call on the border collie yet so that must not be in the cards.  Mostly I just wanted to help him find a good forever home but he's being fostered by someone who cares.  That's all that matters.  

Humility ~

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