Thursday, February 27, 2025


We all seem to lack that at some point.  I am as guilty as anybody wanting things right damn now.  When you have no way to get from point A to point B it can be frustrating.  Bubba and I test drove a nice car yesterday and took it to Les and his crew at Lake Road.  About the time we pulled up, it started making a strange noise.  The ride from Newbern to Dyersburg was flawless.  It drove well and was in great shape.  Dude offered 1K off the price to fix it only we don't know what that is other than "something" going out.  We passed.  A friend of his goes to auctions all the time and is actively looking for what we want, which is a Toyota.  Until I bought the cursed Ford, I had driven Camrys since the year Lauren was born in 1984.  My parents bought, and wrecked, several Toyotas.  They are reliable IMHO.  

Anywho, we have been blessed with friends and neighbors to get to where we need to be.  I have cancelled a lot of appointments because of lack of transportation so that is my number one goal after finding a vehicle.  Dentist, GP, nephrologist and cardiologist name a few.  

The stray Siamese somehow got into the house last night and sprayed (again) in the bathroom.  Doors shall remain closed now except to let Rosie in and out.  It was just so dang NICE yesterday!  I spent a lot of time on the porch which is where I am headed right now.  Y'all take advantage and enjoy.  And always keep the faith ^j^

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

doge me

Can y'all ever remember a time when things were so uncertain in this country?  Oh yeah.  There was that time we all moved to America as immigrants from Europe and whatnot.  My family is a blend of Stafford from England and Agee from France.  I know this because my parents did their homework and kept the history alive.  There are crumpled paper documents somewhere that prove it.  Daddy searched for his missing grandfather Joe Stafford until the day he died.  Joe just took off and run, as I understand it.

It's a HUGE basketball night in West TN and I am rooting for my favorite player Lizzie.   This young woman is amazing in more ways than one.  I have watched she and her brother Thomas grow up in our church.  Her entire family has served in one way or another as part of the ministry of DFUMC.  It's what Jesus would do.

What about this weather y'all?!  The doors are wide open here and the central unit is off.  It's warm enough to not wear a sweater and sit in the sun like a turtle on a log.  Enjoy because it will soon be hot as hades.

Love ya' like chicken ^j^

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

the puzzle

When you have no way to go, it can be frustrating.  You depend on others to get you to where you need to be.  We have been fortunate in that respect.  Friends and neighbors have helped with getting us from here to there.  I don't go much of anywhere but I did eat a shit ton of fried food at the CBG annual lunch.. I watched farmer after farmer fill their pans with mudpuppies and eat 'em like caviar.  As for our table, we ate fish and the trimmings.  We had a mixed table of Samaria Bend folks plus a couple of other crawfish eaters.  They save the pans ya know?

Great weather here!  The snow is gone and it's hovering in the 50s at night.   The birds are all happy when the crows aren't making noise.  So annoying.  They have picked the fields clean of every bit of last year and still at it.  In the morning though, those little wild birds wake me up and sing.  My great grandmother Ethel had parakeets and whatnot in her house on Pate.  When I was a kid I was amazed at how she managed to keep the wires clean.  Caged birds, if you will. She would take them to the Methodist church for the Easter sunrise service. Lent is a sacred time for me and mine.  I pray it is for you as well.

Tomorrow's  agemda includes a ride for grocery pickup and to get Lauren to and from work.  It will happen if it is meant to be. At this point, I don't even care.  It is what it is.

Y'all stay faithful and true ^j^ 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

the bait

People who have a one sided view of our current situation will do anything to pick a fight.  I have several friends who are like that.  I never go trolling on what they post because I'm not made that way.  If that's what they believe I will never change their minds.  Yet they never cease to come back at me and my opinions calling me things like stupid and uninformed.  Several of my friends will get into the fray with these folks and they get insulted too.  One of them, a very cool younger dude, posted this the other day in the midst of a long thread attacking my beliefs.  "It makes my blood boil to see these people laughing at your good faith."  I usually brush the trolls off and rarely take the bait even if they come onto MY personal page attempting to make themselves feel better and more powerful.  That sad thing is that they really believe all this crap.  

Hey, I get it.  Often a new president will blame the past administration for the problems they inherited.  That's part of the job, ya' know?  It serves no purpose to mean tweet those from the past because we have big problems in the now.  That is a weakness in and of itself when looking for a way forward.  The past is the past.....let it go.  Focus on the problems at hand and don't insist that your way is the right way.  By executive order, no less.  Trump et al are going way too fast and having to backtrack a lot which is good.  But it's only because people are finally standing up to the bully tactic.  Federal employees who have, or will lose their jobs, are standing up.  People at town halls are angry with their elected representatives for throwing them under the bus.  It will take a bit of a revolution but I pray that the forces for good will prevail instead of us ending up hanging on the wall in Gilead.  We may all end up in Canada which will, never ever be the 51st state.  

The car thing is still up in the air.  If they don't show me some mercy I will have to turn the rental in tomorrow with no check and no vehicle.  My friends have offered us rides to where we need to go which is mostly work for Lauren.  She is driver in chief now because of my vision.  I refuse to do what my parents did and let pride get in the way of my safety.  "You are not alone" says Matthew.  And I feel it y'all, seriously.  Keep the faith ^j^

Saturday, February 22, 2025

see you in court

And all of this is about transgender athletes.  If you are not up to date, check out the governor's conference where the governor of Maine, a "liberal state" refused to comply with an NCAA ban.  Umm, excuse me?  Do we not have bigger fish to fry.  Oh yes, then we gut the senior leadership at the department of defense.  That will give Putin a good chance to expand his agenda.  

The king of our country has achieved 34% of the Project 2025 agenda in just a month, thanks to a bunch of spineless GOP followers.  I do not believe that any of them will get it until it trickles down and affects them personally.  Which could happen sooner, rather than later.  I can't wrap my mind around what is happening and I am scared for us.  If you look beyond what is happening in the US it is creepy how Musk is trying to handle Europe and saluting.  He is using his influence in Germany and their political climate.  Who does he think he is?  

Oh yeah, the king's BFF.  I am almost 70 and can not remember a time in my life that I was so concerned about our rights and freedoms.  Us baby boomers have seen a lot in our lives, enough to know when something ain't right.  Yet we sit here waiting to be the next victim of a corrupt government.  Trolls don't actually read blogs so I think I'm safe in putting my beliefs out there.  At least until some nut job decides to kill me for them.

Not a great day for faith here.  No settlement from the wreck and rental goes back Monday.  We will need rides after that to get to where we need to go.  What I would give for a good horse right now!  Nah.  I'd break a hip.

We are all in this together for better or worse.  Be kind and don't screw your neighbor ^j^

Friday, February 21, 2025

tell it

Lauren and I share this living room space until it's time for me to go to bed.  She does her thing in one spot and I do mine in another.  We occasionally hear each others' phone calls and internet favorites and laugh our asses off.  It's a three way kind of social media deal.  We have formed a bond through comedy, true crime and all sorts of other things on TikTok which she uses.  And YouTube, which I use.  Often there are competing things going on at the same time.  UCMTSU.  Meanwhile, Rosie the cat travels here and there to snooze on one of us when she's not terrorizing the poor snow birds.  

I am in active mode on a car search with whatever I get from the cursed Ford Escape.  One of the saddest days of my life was schlepping through the rain at Lowery's lot to get our stuff out.  Which wasn't much and it's still in bags in the rental.  Gotta' turn that in on Monday so THAT will need to be cleaned out.  Plus gas added to get to a half a tank  Anything is possible at the point when you are living on the edge.

It is what we do around here, the Staffords.  We are a tough breed.  The snark is heavy and the intentions are always on the positive side.  I miss them dearly, but then there are so many others.  Like Patti.  I talked with her hub today and he sounds lost as a goose, bless his heart.  I would be too.  That's a lot of years together on the golf course or anywhere there is a shared passion.  

Bubba brought a yummy casserole last night which I sampled today.  Good job bro!  We share food all the time because we like to experinent with cooking.  I need to take a dish to our youth director's baby shower on Sunday.  Our congregation will provide, I'm sure.  My offering will be brownies :)

Y'all stay warm out there.  It's all about keeping the faith and moving forward ^j^

Thursday, February 20, 2025

the birds

We woke up this morning to a bunch of birds on the back porch, two of whom got into the house.  Now, this has happened before, but not in 20 degree weather.  As it turns out, the solution is to shut all doors inside, turn the lights off and open the doors to the light.  One was a bright red cardinal and the other was some little bitty that went out first.  I truly believe the spiritual meaning of all that which is either *sign of imminent death* or good luck and blessings.  I choose number two because I am an optimist.

The  maga crowd trolls are out in full force on FB today telling me I am stupid and not listening to facts.  Um..hello.  I am listening and reading while the rest of you follow blindly.  Once again, I am a conservative liberal.  When it comes to money, I say spend less of our taxpayer dollars, but do it in a smart and legal way.  Appointing young adults to do your bidding when it comes to federal research is not a good idea unless you are one of Musk's cronies.  I mean, seriously.  And there goes DJT trying to entice us with some random return on what DOGE saves.  Honey, please.  If it were only the truth.

I received a random phone call yesterday from United Healthcare trying to offer me "free money."  We talked for a bit and I shared the fact that I am not comfortable with sharing my red white and blue card with anybody, including Musk.  Dude said "This has nothing to do with Musk!"  Yeah, right.  He already has my number as well as my SS account number, plus my age and health history.  Those kids are mining the federal database for info on anybody other than those who will receive a huge tax break from the administration's policies.  Tax breaks for the rich.  What a novel idea.

I did not vote for this, yet my vote didn't count.  There are so many other things in the mix like world peace and sucking up to powerful leaders like Putin and the other world leaders.  Got bless Zelensky for standing up for his people.  Putin will play hard ball until he gets what he wants which is shameful.  Remember the movie way back then about Russia?  So many movies like that.  Was that propoganda?

I am as confused as everybody else.  The playbook changes day by day and nothing that I see is anywhere remotely what Jesus would do. Or whomever your higher power is.  We are inclusive here.  

Hug somebody soon or you might miss out.  Use your brain to figure out what's up and for God's sake don't drink the Koolaid ^j^

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Let us all hold hands and pray for those who are affected by an inconvenient early spring rain and snow event.  This farm out here is surrounded by the Forked Deer river which runs all around West tn from north to south. Then there's the lake up there close to the big muddy close to Reelfoot. 1812.  It's a real thing!  That lake is home to many fish houses and lotso wetland.  I would love to see the swampy part with a good guide.  

One of the signature things at Reelfoot is the cypress stumps.   The handrail to my attic is made of those, but from here.  I have never NOT called this cabin home.  Even when I ran away to college or moved up on the hill, this place is where we grew up.  And we live here now, once again.  My dear friend Patti died yesterday and I had the big ugly cry for quite some time.  We are sooo much alike.  

I had a kind of snippy experience with a practitioner yesterday where I started spilling my guts and cute ass girl told me on the way out "Everybody's got something."  I don't know what hers is but prayers are up.  I know dear.  You are young and traveling to work and whatnot.  So are the old folks.  I saw quite a few being brought in by caregivers.  LP sat in the car the whole time.  Much more comfy that the waiting room ;)  I was in and out within 2 hours and I will take that and praise God.  Life happens one miracle at a time.

My faith helps me to believe that there is something better than a state controlled media and whatnot.  But it happened before and it can happen again if everybody just says WTF and lays down.  I will not, by any means.  I know what's going on in the world right now from the few news agencies who are allowed to post.  Gulf of Mexico?  Hell yes. 

I can't really expect any sort of miracle at any time.  They happen in the most subtle of ways.  Sometimes you don't even realize it until way later....that something you saw as a tragedy can turn into something better.  At least that's my experience.  I almost died twice from abcessed diverticulitis.  Once was on a 2am run to the ER for what I knew was going on, only to be told by a doc there that I didn't have that because my WBC was normal.  When he failed to order a CT I should have pitched a fit in pain right then and there.  Only I was already getting septic and didn't know it.  "No scan for you!" said the ER nazi.  The rest is history.  Oh..and
the reason that I almost died that first time was driving over the hill like a bat out of hell on loose gravel. 

I could see the ditchbank facing me and said to myself "Oh Lord, this is it."  I wasn't really scared but instead grabbed that wheel and got us back on the road.  I don't remember the ride home.  I reckon God got me there.  Ten days later, it all got real.  But enough about that.   Today's top story is the weather.

We got some snow last night and it's pretty dang cold at the moment.  Thanks be to Baker Gas and Oil for keeping us warm out here at the cabin.  These guys deliver come rain or snow or shine and always take time to chat.  I don't think Adam will be chatting with us today but if he does, we will offer him something warm to drink.  One time Butch delivered to us on the hill on Christmas Eve.  In the snow!

These are the kind of people that you realize, much later on, are miracles in your life.  I owe everybody and their brother but I am making amends by going to them face to face to explain where I'm at on upcoming payments.  I broke down and cried with one of my creditors which is not like me.  I think I had just had enough of life at the moment and he was the lucky one to have me for a little cryfest.  What made it so special is that he never wavered and did not scold.  He heard me.

Car settlement process is slowly happening.  We still have a rental but ain't nobody going anywhere.  Maybe tomorrow.  When we receive the money, which will be a hot minute, we have to find another vehicle that is in the budget.  LP and I have had two cars donated to us in our lifetimes.  One was a snazzy old Caddy from my friend John Yarbro.  The other was one that Lauren inherited from a friend in Jackson.  Lots of love in both of those actions.  If you can't get around, you can't work.  I took Mama and Daddy to church many a time in old that old Caddy.  It's what Zubrovka wanted for them.

We have milk and bread and TP so we are more fortunate than many.  And I think that the backwater has stabilized.  Somebody is shooting at blackbirds out there right now which is fine with me.  It allows the pretty birds to feed without being hated on.  

Monday, February 17, 2025

ever''body got sompin'

If this blog reads sort of wonky it's because my eyes are still dilated from the exam with a retina specialist.  Minimal change but he had "the talk" with me about driving.  The very same one me and Bubba and the doctors and the  cops did with Mama and Daddy.  The very last wreck was a hit and run by Daddy at none other than the Samaria Bend Road crossing on Highway 51,  Speed limit 55.  LP got slammed there as a teenager riding with somebody else.  They fly!

Daddy was soooooo mad about those keys.  Bubba was in the woods somewhere with a timber guy so I got to be the bad kid.  He gave it up pretty. easily being the stubborn sort that he was.  As for me?  I am just grateful that I have family members who watch out for me and my safety.  Bubba's' favorite phrase is either "one of these days" when I don't answer in 3 rings , or "Don't break a hip on those steps."  Alrighty then.

I found that spending less time with the news this morning kind of gave me a bit more happiness.  I can't change it, only God can.  And not that fake golden idol one.  Everybody is an efficiency expert in their own mind.  As for me?  I'm about a C-.  Try as I may I can't just keep it up.

We shall see how kind people want to be right about now.  South Dyersburg is flooding and there is a winter storm warning.  Tye police have it shut off  all the way through the chicken store area.  I remember once upon a time when my favorite grocery story floated for the last time.  That was a pretty strong headwater from the Nashville area.  Small world...and big rivers.  We had 20 minutes to get to town and back home.  Then we left the car close to the bypass in a shop parking lot, only to get a call a bit later telling us it was about to be swalled up.  That was the "trusty" old Camry.  I shall not purchase another Ford.  Ever.  I'll stick with the imports.  That Camry got me through many a flood down at the end of Pecan Lane.  One morning I had to be at work before daylight and all I could see was water.  In the headlights!  I told her I wouldn't  be there until the light was better.  And I prolly got written up.

I am using this time of hibernation,  if it happens, to get my life in order somewhat.  My old ass doesn't deal well with complicated things like wrecks.  You are at the mercy of the insuring company which can be tricky.  In this case, both parties were insured by the same company.  Thus, I have been dealing with HIS adjustor.  Same claim number.  I've been jumping through hoops to get the documents to them regarding the new transmission.  

There are lots of people in my prayers today.  You are next ^j^

Sunday, February 16, 2025

is he the one?

Mary Beth's sermon this morning was a comparison of the stories in all the different gospels about his relationship with John the Baptist.  I was supposed to be liturgist but *sick* so my friend Jay stepped up and did  a much better job that I would have with reading the Gospel.  MB talked about the timeline including John the Baptist and Jesus and offered a different version.  John was possibly imprisoned at the time of Jesus' baptism.  Picture this:  John can't know about all the things that Jesus had done to prove himself as our Messiah.  He was in JAIL.  Sooo...John's disciples visited him in jail and told him the stories.  He sent them back to Jesus with the question "Are you really the one?"  I can relate to that kind of curiosity because I have often felt that way myself.  In spite of experiencing miracles myself, sometimes I doubt.  Especially these days.

One of the biggest line items on the people's agenda was to get them our from under Roman occupation.  Which brings us to today in the good old USA.  Back in the days of Jesus, Jews and Christians alike were persecuted by the Roman government.  Which is pretty much happening right now.  Along with killing all the things that protect us as a world power.  I have to laugh sometimes just to get through the anxiety about what is happening here and around the world.  

The latest stupid move was to remove immigration judges because of a "a huge backup in cases."  So, you fire the ones who are doing that job?  I think not.  I will be the first to admit that I am tired of waste and fraud, especially with undocumented immigrants.  After working for over 40 years in the healthcare sector, I have seen almost every scenario where patients fall through the cracks because they have no advocate.  The current administration has no guardrails to reduce access to healthcare.  Yes, it's expensive.  And will probably become more so.  Our national forests are headed to the chopping block.  I could go on and on but I won't because it's not good for mental health.  This is where I just believe that Jesus died for us and our sins and God has a plan.  Maybe we are in the desert?  It's just a thought ^j^

Saturday, February 15, 2025


I grew up on a family farm that once had peonies and asparagus and other goodies that are very lovely.  Agriculture is tricky business at the very least because it is all dependent on the weather.  Too much rain is bad, especially all at once.  The rivers rise and the land is underwater until May or June.  Then you gotta' plant what's plantable and pay extra for potash because Canada supplies most of it and there's that tariff thing going on.  Canada hates us and so does Europe.  At this point in time, I don't think that our country is ready for a trade war.  Remember the Great Depression?  I have my great grandmother's ration book that was for gas, sugar and other things we depend on.  It was a total bust of the US economy and my Daddy grew up as a sharecropper's son during that time.  Thanks to Sam Reed he was able to attend UT Martin and graduate with a degree in agriculture.  His career with the USDA as a plant protection specialiust spanned decades chasing the Japanese beetle and other bugs that destroyed crops.  At the end, at the age of 55, he was able to retire due to his years of service in the Air Force.  Daddy lived every farmer's dream as both a federal ag employee and property manager.  

He was not particularly bright when it came to negotiating commission.  Five percent, If I remember correctly.  Yet we survived because of benefits for veterans and federal employees.  That stuff is gone baby gone.  Thanks Obama.  No wait, wrong one.  We all know things trickle down from DC to our individual states and our security.  The great state of Tennessee has repeatedly refused to accept money for Medicaid funding because...Hell I don't know.  That is the current administrations plan.  Pitch it all back to your states and let them deal with you.  As a red state resident, I'm not feeling really good about that.  Just a thought.

We are midway through a 48 hr monsoon.  Not sure how many inches but I think it will take us a while to dry out.  Plus there is snow coming on Tuesday night!  Yay?  It is what it is.  One day at a time ^j^

Thursday, February 13, 2025

filthy rich

A nice lady named Jean came to deliver my visual aids today and she immediately reminded me of Leanne Morgan.  She didn't know who that was but she said she would find out.  There was a large print bible, big notepads and markers and lots of stick on lights with no batteries.  If anybody wants to give me a Valentine please buy me a jumbo pack of triple A batteries.  I love you for that, really.  Leanne's twin was really embarrased about that but I was just like ""never mind."  Shit happens.  She is an advocate for visually impaired people like myself in the great state of Tennessee.  We got kickass sports and colleges and whatnot.  Plus a lot of scenic places like Reelfoot Lake.  Y'all know that story right?  If not google it.  My friend Mary has suggested going with another search engine to simpllfy things.  It's just a thought, as Belle would say.  Which oddly enough how Beau did his thing.  "Well, howdy there internet people!"

She and Trae Crowder and Sean Dietrich and the lord god almighty keep me sane.  Family and friends surround me.  The sun rises and sets as always.  I rewatched "Don't Look Up"  the other day.  I imagine that it will be that way.  I hope that my eyes are not shut to science and power grabs by billionaires.  I'm probably on the bad list now.  If they don't send my SS I will catch a ride to DC and protest peacefully.  Canada is pissed and holding firm.  That is a good thing in my opinion.  Who knows about those Gulf of Mexico folks.

Anyhoo. I am trying out the toys that she brought and the best ones by far are the gooseneck lamp and stick on LEDs.  Plus a large print Bible, praise the Lort!  I still have my Daddy's life application version.  I believe it was an anniversary gift from Mama.  Has his name on it and everything.  I peridically serve as a liturgist at my home church.  When I am not up there, I sit in the pew and watch the screen as I listen to the liturgist.  It's never a perfect rendition what with all those crazy biblical names.  I don't know one from another when it comes to the Old book.  But, I'm still learning.  It's never too late^j^

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


I have always been fascinated with fire.  Ain't nothing like burning a bunch of crap to make one feel productive.  It can also get you in big trouble in a rural area.  My daddy knew just exactly when it was time to burn the pine needles over by that tree line next to the pasture.  One year I caught the empty field on fire burning off the asparagus bed and when Daddy came to investigate he said "Don't worry.  It won't jump the road."  And it didn't, but me and Debbie Elder were out there running around with whatever we could find to whack it out.

And then there was the time I made the front page of The State Gazette for (accidentally) causing a fire in the very same field only it was full of beans.  Bubba came along with the city and county fire people and first responders.  The damage was minimal and I learned that lesson the hard way.  It must have been a slow news day because the paper had the whole thing recorded for history.  That was NOT one of my finest moments.

I have had a recurring dream spanning most of my adult life.  In the dream I am in the bathtub, only the tub is in the living room.  I don't think I am real concerned about the house being on fire around me.  It's not scary, just something that I can remember.  

In a way that is how I feel about life right now.  Everybody's got drama and it changes day by day.  I admit that I have whined and cried way too much over car problems, and I apologize to God and everybody about that.  The details involved with something like that are hard to work out when you depend on others for a ride. I still work part time and so does LP, so there's that.  

Our friend told us yesterday to remember that it's just a season and it may seem long but eventually it will morph into something different.  That's how mother nature rolls ^j^  Faith.Hope.Love.  And the greatest of these is love.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

it is what it is

Well kids, it seems that the not so trusty Ford is headed to a staging area to be totaled out.  This is pretty disturbing since I have a 4K note left on the transmission replacement.  This is what Old Hoss would call *not good.  In grand scheme of what's going on in the world right now, I might not even need a car.  I am enough of a conspiracy theorist to believe that taking things one day at a time is the only way to live.  Nobody knows that tomorrow will come.  My faith gives me the strength to keep on keeping on.  I think we're all gonna' end up in boats like in Waterworld, anyway.  I have a very grim view of our future right now because, well you know.  Watching the Constitution being burned like an old American Flag is really pissing me off.  There are three branches of government listed therein which are told to work together.  Trying to abolish the judicial branch is suicide for all of us.  'It's all about checks and balances.  Otherwise it's just a kingdom.

I am a Christian yet I respect the religions and spiritual practices of everybody else.  I believe in one great big God who loves us and wants us to be at peace.  All the rest is just details.  We can argue until the cows come home but everyone has their own relationship with the higher power.  If it works for you?  Go for it.I really don't care what is happening politically right now or whose fault it is.  As I have said before, I am a centrist which means I lean left but toward the middle.  I do have some Republican in me, just not the way things are right now.

So, I did break down and watch the Musk and Trump show and my first thought was "Who the heck is that kid>>   A cute little stage prop who got shushed on natioanl TV.  He went MIA shortly  Honestly, when I watch those two together I can see why so many people listen to them.  The charisma is captivating and if I didn't know what I know I might believe it too.  It is trickling down at a very rapid pace to where the 'Merkin people are getting kinda nervous.  Well, a bunch of us.  Food prices are insane because, IMHO, corporate greed.  To get the old school bag size of crunchy Cheetos, it costs two bucks more for party size.  At the gentral'  I've been craving them like Gaga did.  Her fingers were always orange as DJT''s tan.

LP and I are hanging tight through this season.  I keep remembering Daddys words: This too shall pass.  And leave room for the spirit to work ^j^

Sunday, February 9, 2025

the koolaid

I am 69 years old and have seen a lot of shit in my lifetime but nothing like what is happening right now with the federal government.  I am not an alarmist normally but this scares me to death.  Especially the part where the courts are being cut out of the process.  My neighbor has been hauling us around since we are carless and we have had many chances to talk about life.  He joined the Army in 1968 and served for 41 years beginning with Vietnam.  I shared that I was only 13 when that happened but was pissed off about it.  Thanked him for his service but, geez.   We grew up on this farm together not seeing each other as different races but as neighbors which continues to this day.  

I have no words or wisdom or encouragement today.  After watching church online I felt a bit of hope but not much.  But then, I began to count my blessings.  It's sort of a gratitude journal in my head.  I take ownership of the fact that I should have advanced my career much earlier in life and not let my job beat me down.  The patients appreciated it but corporate did not.  I was the blood bank supervisor during most of my tenure and got called onto the carpet in the CEOs office for asking a friend to speak about how blood transfusions saved her life.  He was nice about it and said just don't do it again.  Which I did not.  Live and learn.

Much of my career as a blood banker was spent working with our not for profit supplier in Jackson.  We ordered accordingly and had them as a backup when we couldn't figure it out.  A lot of techs were scared of transfusion service work because can kill somebody if you make a mistake.  Or make them sicker, at the very least.  We worked for years on paper and MHS bought we went to an LIS.  Which changed during each sale thereafter.  I'm glad not to be there except to visit people.  

The worst experience in my career was the night that some guy with an aortic anuersym  spent the whole night in surgery.  We went through about 60 components on this dude and totally changed his blood type because the surgeon insisted on whole blood and our pathologist backed him up.   Dude ended up dying in Memphis and their transfusion service called to ask "what the hell did y'all do up there!"

We all have stories and I think that sharing them is a big part of life.  We think we know people and then we get to talking and find out other parts than the ones that we know.  Communication always works.  It may be messy, but the end result is finding out what the issues are and mediating.  

That's my wisdom for the day ^j^

Friday, February 7, 2025

the maze

We are currently navigating the cluster that follows a car accident.  Since Sunday we have had no ride and have depended on gracious friends and family to get things done.  I am really puzzled at how long the process has been to get a rental.  Normally it happens same day or next.  LP has been recovering from both the flu and the wreck this week but went back to work today.  

I am skimming through the news daily but not dwelling on it.  Trump's Gaza fantasy is causing a lot of other countries to rethink their ties with the US.  Thank goodness 
for the judges who have put the brakes on a lot of the executive orders.  

Another of my old friends passed away.  Mackie Gene and I dated for about a year and then parted ways.  This guy loved golf more than life itself and was tickled to be staying in a house where we could see the second hole at the city course right behind my former house on Pecan Lane.  He even worked there after retirement from Colonial.

My friend Mamye is settled into her new apartment and loving it.  I am so happy for her!  It has been a long haul this past few years for she and Steve.  Her life will be much easier living in a smaller place in town.

My muse has left lately so I don't have much more in me than a short daily post.  Love ya.  Mean it ^j^


Monday, February 3, 2025


Yesterday started out as a very good one.  SS and worship were amazing and I walked out feeling full of grace.  Lauren was supposed to pick me up and when I went out she wasn't there which was concerning.  She had my phone and I called from a friend's phone to check on her.  She answered me from the emergency room where she had been transported by ambulance from a wreck.  The staff was gracious and timely and after several scans we were told that she had a cracked kneecap on the same knee that had surgery a few years ago.  It could have been much much worse but for the grace of God.  The car was towed and we all know that these things take a hot minute to get resolved.  My friends took me to the ER and my cousin brought us home.  Brother picked me up this morning to go to the insurance agency and get the ball rolling.  It takes a village, ya' know.  

Three weeks ago the entire congregation sang happy birthday to Mr. Jack Todd online for his 100th.  Mr. Todd was one of the finest gentlemen I have ever had the privilege to call friend.  One of his daughters and I have been close friends since school days and my visits to their home were always fun and relaxed.  He passed away a few days ago after living a full and happy life.  I feel sure he and his BFF Dr Talley are enjoying their morning coffee together in heaven.

The weather is absolutely gorgeous here so I will be on the porch most of the day I imagine.  I miss that sweet doggie Bandit coming around but I' am glad he has a permanent home.  We did fatten him up quite a bit before he left.

Fill up your tanks before the tariffs hit.  Mexico is playing ball with Trump which is a good thing if even for a month.  I sincerely hope that Canada and China will decide to as well.

That's about all I've got for today.  Y'all be careful out there.  People are crazy!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

you get what you vote for

The Trump administration has only just begun to purge and discriminate.  Huge tariffs will go into effect tomorrow meaning that the price of many many goods will skyrocket.  Oil. Food. Electonics.  You name it.  I have watched as gas prices inched up over the past 2 weeks and also the price of food.  I have no disposable income for electronics which is why I don't type too well with the laptop and phone due to failing vision.  If you are rich, these things do not concern you in the least.  If you are on a fixed income like myself, they definitely do.  As I understand it, his plan is to drill the hell out of Alaska to make up for the imports.  Like that is going to happen overnight?  Nada.  He is quick to abolish and slow to provide solutions.  Last I heard, RFK has not been confirmed yet, nor Gabbard.  I believe with all my heart that there are enough Republicans to stop some of the nonsense if they will just stand up and speak their minds.  Many are afraid of losing their jobs, but there are others where they can thrive and not be a part of the tearing apart of our country.

One suggestion that I have for them is to require welfare recipients to take the jobs that immigrants have been doing since they will be deported. At the very least, require community service at the soup kitchens and community resource facilities that support them.  Many of them are not able, and that's okay.  It's the ones that work the system that piss me off.  Get offa' your ass and do something productive.  I am 69 years old and still trying to work to make ends meet.  something ain't right there.

I am limited as to what jobs I can do because of my failing eyesight.  I have an ostomy which requires expensive supplies and insurance only pays 80%.  I am not having a pity party here.  I worked my ass off for over 40 years in the healthcare field and saw failure after failure to treat patients with compassion.  Most practitioners are overworked and underpaid but expected to be available 24/7.  

As for food, eating healthy is not in the budget for many.  I would love to be able to do that with an occasional splurge but it's either eat or pay the bills.  The state of Tennessee has passed a school voucher program which will effectively pay for home schooling and Christian education.  And all of us will pay them for that privilege even if our kids are in public school.

So, in today's news Hegseth has put media offices in at Pentagon on a "rotation" replacing NBC with three conservative news providers and HuffPost which is kind of puzzling.  Huff said they didn't even ask for it. Hmmm.  We shall see.

As always, keep the faith.  Speak your mind and stand behind your beliefs ^j^