Friday, April 16, 2021


Those of you who know my heart will recognize that the latest mass murder by a disgruntled employee is because of the availability of repeating weapons to pissed off people.  And why the eff do they have to slaughter all those innocents before they kill themselves?  The right blames Biden because it resumed after Covid.  People were back to work and crazy over the whole thing.  Was there a time when I wanted to slap my boss?  Hell yeah.  But never a massacre like the ones we've been seeing. My theory is that the NRA sat back and raked in the money during the last year of Trump's administration.  Now they're out full force, armed and dangerous.

The problem is not the guns because, you know, guns don't kill people.  People do.  And crazy people have a lot of ways to take out their pain on others.  I do believe that all lives matter but somewhere along the line we have to stop the racial profiling thing and step up to the plate on gun reform.

I had an intake with my therapist today and I'm looking forward to digging through all the drama that got me from there to here.  And actually out of the blue I had my first bowel movement outside of the bag today 16 months later,  I don't think that's normal but it sure did feel good..The nurse said I would "pass mucous" and as long as it's not bloody, all is well.  That's a work in progress.  Don't stop believing ^j^

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