Thursday, October 1, 2020

when one door closes

Since I'm "almost a nurse" I diligently self treat injuries, especially the ones that hurt a lot.  My friend gave me an ankle brace and I couldn't find my knee brace so I got another one plus loaded up on Naproxen and Ibuprofen.  That cane Mamye got me has been a godsend.  The irony of it is that I had accidentally got connected with a life alert technician the day that I fell and after finding that there's a 50 buck per month charge for their "free" device I declined.  I always have my phone on me anyway.

My first job interview was a learning experience that ended with me not being hired.  Okay then.  I've been making it by the grace of God.  A few minutes ago another potential employer called me and I have an interview tomorrow.  Both of these leads came from my brother.  We shall see.

Of course the internet is all in a flitter about the debate, still.  I'll tell you exactly what Trump reminded me of : My three year old granddaughter in full blown meltdown only not nearly as cute.  Hopefully it will work out where there will be some sort of civil discourse.  I read an opinion piece by one who has moderated all sorts of political debates over the years and he said he has shut mics off in a heartbeat.  This should have been planned for because we all knew it was going to be volatile.  

I went down to the cabin today to check out where the floor guys have started sanding.  That wood is gorgeous, with a different type in each room.  I still get all giddy when I see that fireplace with the original mantel.  It will truly be a showplace that was worth the wait.  

Otherwise, it's Indian summer and tonight is harvest moon.  It doesn't get more fall than that.  We have some chilly nights coming up but I refuse to turn on the heat until my teeth are chattering.  Hey....I can layer.  Y'all hang in there for better or worse.  And keep the faith ^j^

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