Thursday, October 29, 2020

on pecan lane live!

Hooo..boy.  I don't even have a paying job and this one has been a killer.  I have zero energy, it's cold and wet and my kitty went away.  As I age I am acutely aware of the fatigue.  Like, when I was working there was no time to think about it and no choice but to go out there and pay the bills.  Keep the boat floating, so to speak.  I spent some time at the church today with my buddies all masked up and sanitized.  It all just kind of flows and these are pretty desperate times for a lot of folks.  One thing we noticed is an uptick in first time requests for food.  

So I got to witness a real live SWAT team training both going to and coming home from Kroger.  I'm talking long guns and all.  I mean, you don't see that everyday.  Just like the dude in a shiny red devil mask up at the shady 'gentral.  On a bike.  With a backpack and a radio and another bike.  My photographer self was about to take a picture when I noticed he had HATE in tats across his knuckles.  Hmm...and I said to self, get ye into the trusty old Camry and haul ass.  

I have a "joyful" day ahead tomorrow with one of my favorite peeps out at paradise central.  I pinch hit for her regular caregiver when he has important things going on.  My friends are burying their mother tomorrow and I will be there in spirit.  They have worked with the patience of Job through all this.  

I chose wisely at Kroger.  Fresh green things and some shrimp on sale.  And always some chicken tenderloins.  Screw a bunch of cutting up bird!  I even bought some fresh lemons to cook with.  It may not be today, but......I love to cook and always have.  My mother taught me and Lauren and we have both retained her sense of adventure when creating recipes.  I do very little fast food now and if so it's a splurge. That brisket at Arby's is to die for.  Which reminds me of what I would give for the Asian brisket salad again at The Bus Stop. 

So, I know I'm rambling but this is my spot to do so.  Evidently a lot of people like to visit here just to see what a day brings for a hippie redneck country girl.  That would be me and all the other chicks who sang along in bars and held hands and cried.  Many of us remain fast friends to this very day.

Put one foot in front of the other and ask God what the next step should be.  With his guidance, you can't go wrong.  Listen to that gut feeling!  If there is an obstacle, there is always a Plan B or C.  I learned that from the Botwin-Newman family.


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