Tuesday, January 30, 2018

remember when

My brother dropped something in the mailbox the other day that turned out to be baby pictures of Lauren.  I cannot freakin' BELIEVE how much Reaves looks like her at that same age.  Especially in the eyes and cheeks.  Lerd.  They're spending a couple of days off together which is, as Hoss would say, "a good thing."  Bubba also returned the deviled egg tray from my Christmas gift to him.  Gotta' love it.

On my way home from the chicken store I noticed smoke coming up from behind the red cabin so I drove down there to see what's up.  The landscape looks totally different if you know what I mean.  It really showcases the beauty of that simple log home.  The fire turned out to be a bunch of trees out in the field.  I chatted with the guy who was doing all that and introduced myself as Bubba's sister.  I haven't been there in so long I didn't know the shed was gone.

Anywho.  I think today is the big one for Trump and all his sheeple.  Praise be is all I can say.  As I have said before, I was raised as a Republican.  That the party has turned into a bunch of don't stand up to the big money folks ( and that goes for you Dems too, BTW)  makes me not want to vote because there's only two choices.  Well, and Bernie...Jill Stein and Ross Perot. Ralph Nader!

This country was founded by folks who were tired of the kingdom and wanted something different.  They made friends with the natives and helped each other out.  Never mind that there were witch trials and whatnot later on.  Like now.  I think we have come full circle with the whole invade a country thing.  China owns our economy.  Well, them and the insurance and pharm companies.  And Wall Street.

So I hear the big three are coming together to provide quality affordable healthcare for their almost 1 million employees.  I still don't trust Jamie Dimon and I don't know the Amazon guy but I think Warren Buffett is solid.  Time will tell.

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