Monday, January 29, 2018

little dumplings

I had a craving for some comfort food yesterday so I cooked up some bird and made some honest to goodness homemade dumplings from Helen Hines recipe in Mama's cookbook.  Easy peasy with nothing but flour, shortening and boiling water.  I ate until I was almost sick.  The rest of the chicken went into chicken salad.  I'm set.

I'm now back to NSAIDs only and the pain is reminding me that it ain't over yet.  I first had rotator cuff surgery four years ago on the right side.  It was a clean break of the supraspinatus and ( not so ) easily repaired with a lot of scraping of arthritis and what not.  I was back at work in 8 weeks but it took six months to get right.  This last procedure was a bit more complicated including three tears that could not be repaired because they were so old the muscles had atrophied and wouldn't stretch.  So, there you go.  Some debridement, fluid release, more scraping and here we are.  The only other option ( for pain relief ) is a reverse shoulder replacement.  At this point in time, that sounds like "not fun at all."  

I'm not whining.  Just trying to get a grasp on things.  Because of opiatemageddon adequate relief for chronic pain has turned into a public health crisis of another sort where people who takes meds responsibly are kind of left hanging.  This is where CBD oil could be a complete turnaround in treatment of chronic pain, seizure disorder and every other little thing.  But noooo....let's jump through legal hoops.  

Anyway, that's my rant o'the day.  So far the weather is playing nice.  Reaves is loving her cereal and bananas and just turned four months old.  I keep going back to look at the latest picture, determined not to miss a day thanks to the village.  

The birds are happy about the weather also and I'm hearing and seeing flocks of them that are NOT crows which makes me happy.  The redbirds are my Daddy, every single one of them.  

Keep the faith ^j^

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