Sunday, September 27, 2015

blood moon rising

It looks pretty iffy around here for the big moon show but I've seen stranger things happen.  Now and then the clouds part, and surely Big Ernie will give me a glimpse.  I doubt I'll be able in 2033.  My youngest brother posted some old family pictures today which set me to smiling ( and tearing up ) looking at the past through old photography.  I sent him packing to VA with the most hideous picture of he and I ever made and a grinning Bubba.  Ayep.  We have always been the deep thinkers where Bubba avoids it at all costs.  T is the baby and I'm the elder with Bubba in the middle of the sandwich.  

It reminded me of my heritage here in Dyersburg dating back to the war years when my grandparents were wealthy and many were not.  It was a silver spoon kind of upbringing and as far away from Roellen dirt fields as you can get.  Big Daddy was a sharecropper and there were three sisters, with only one remaining in this world.  She dotes on Mama and they talk about old times.  My favorite pictures are the ones at the house on College across from the high school.  That was and always will be my dream home..well, except for the log cabin on a hill which isn't an option according to corporate.  

Pawpaw was a successful businessman and quite handsome.  He died at 45 from heart disease and that broke my mother's heart.  Geraldine proceeded to be a young widow with lots of cash and travel the country with her buddies.  That is, until the money ran out and there's a whole 'nother story up in there if you know what I mean.  She went from sailing the Queen Mary to England in the 60s to dying penniless, my mother and aunt paying for things at the end.  There were threads of mental instability running on both sides and I immediately picked mine up early in life and ran with it!  No, really.  I tried being a nice proper lovely obedient Southern belle but it's not me.  I can appreciate the culture without living it.  We have much more important things to do like SAVE the freakin' planet and FEED the poor. 

I passed the cemetery twice today on food runs and waved at Daddy both times.  I'm trying to do as he asked in his will and remember the good times.  

Here's your sign ~

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