Thursday, August 27, 2020

the calm before and after the storm

Lauren and Reaves just left and Reaves was so tired she was delerious.  They are headed back to Madison county just in time to escape Laura's coming appearance.  It is humid and a bit windy and obvious that a storms'a coming.  We are COVID free for the moment so I got hugs and kisses.  I read today that CDC guidlines are now limiting testing to symptomatic people.  Alrighty then.  Like the great orange one said, the more testing you do the more cases you have.  He has decided not to visit the area affected by the hurricane because it "wasn't that bad" and he has an important announcement to make this evening.  This whole RNC has been a shitshow of name calling and no platform whatsoever other than following the master of disaster.  I am sooooo over all this.  Come on November.  Even if he wins at least we will know what we're dealing with.  In that case, I'm headed to Canada.  

Worship by new technology is an amazing thing and I laughed my butt off at the blooper reel from our church's staff.  Mary Beth's countdowns were hilarious.  Thanks for the LOLs y'all.  I sure did need it!

Otherwise, batten down the hatches.  We are predicted to get two or three inches of rain so we shall see if the ditch cleaning helped.  If not I'll need a ride in a high vehicle.  I cannot begin to count how many times I've driven through seriously deep flash flood water at the end of the lane.  The lug nuts on my tires are permanently rusted from all that.  Country living.

Somehow Ellis has lost her collar so it's an ordeal to get her out of the house.  That means I have to buy a second replacement tag and new collar.  Plus we gotta' get those claws done.  I have scars all over from her unintentional pawing.  

Be happy and accept the grace and joy in this day.  And don't be mean.  Ever.


  1. Information worth noting...

    It is not necessary (don't call 911) to report the criminal that resides in the White House.

  2. We need better options to choose from.
    Janie for Prez!
