Sunday, April 5, 2020

triumphal entry

Yes indeed, it is Palm Sunday.  Two different churches had parking lot services today and since my car radio doesn't work I was out of luck .  That didn't stop me from flying that palm branch out my car window as I made my way around town.  Ellie had followed me out when I left and was nowhere to be found when I got back.  So, here me and palm branch go down Samaria Bend Road to look for her.  I met up with her at the cabin and got to see Daddy's dogwood and purple iris in bloom.  It was truly a God moment for me personally.  I'd be willing to bet about 90% of folks who saw that branch flying in the breeze didn't get it.

My inner pyro started a small fire yesteday as I am cleaning up the yard for mowing.  Man, I love me a good fire. Once upon a time I let one get out of hand ( okay more than once ) and it burned a corner of the field next to me.  Fire department came.  It was on the front page of the paper.  I will NEVER live that down.  My daddy freaked me out one spring after I had been working forever to clean up pine needles in the grove.  He just lit that sucker and watched it burn.  I guess I get it honest.  

It seems downright eerie to see the beauty surrounding us during this trying time.  The colors are to die for everywhere you look.  I call it eye candy for the soul.  

Y'all be blessed and remember what this week is about ^j^

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