I went in with a specific complaint which was pelvic pain from a fall two days ago. All I needed was an x-ray and steroids which is what I got. I admire that in an ER. Thanks to all who treated me kindly and got me in and out. Mamye picked me up and took me on errands which was okay because it doesn't hurt when I sit. I got up the steps with the help of Hippie's cane and she left me another one. I could already tell a difference by the time we got home.
Official diagnosis? Lumbrosacral strain. Most common cause, a direct hard hit to the back side. That is correct. Ellie is now on puppy prozac again, as a side note. Calm that big brown ass down, girl.
What day is it anyway? My stimulus ain't in the bank yet ^j^
Glad it wasn't too major. Get well, stay safe.