Sunday, February 23, 2020

stir crazy

Yep...that's me these days.  I want to do and go and just don't have the energy most days.  I've had the Camry boosted by the service station twice in the past week and it won't stay charged.  It's only a year old so it's bound to be good.  Or not.  Unless I'm driving it every day it won't stay charged so there you go.  A conundrum, if you will.  

Trump congratulated Bernie on Nevada because he thinks he will beat him like a drum if he's the nominee.  I'll just say this....stranger things have happened.  

Watching the church service online this morning was a treat.  Almost like being there and in pajamas to boot.  I miss the fellowship and will try my best to get ashed this Wednesday.  If I don't make it to the chapel, I'll just do it myself with sage.  The season of Lent is very special to me.  A time for fasting and prayer and meditation....inward searching.  

I posted an article yesterday entitled Between 65 and Death.  It hit me hard and rang true on many levels.  Now is not the time to save things.  It is the time to live life fully and with no regrets.  So many of us wait to truly live until we reach some sort of milestone.  New job...lose are grown.  I sincerely wish I had lived more in the moment while Lauren was growing up.  At that point in my life it was just a succession of chores and work.  

Sam is not well and it will be time to make a decision soon unless the good Lord makes it for me.  He's my road dog from way back when.  I've lost so many pets over the years that you would think I'd be hesitant to ever have one again.  I guess I'm just a sucker for furbabies.  They're buried all over the yard like a little pet cemetery.  The last was Ryder and before that Faith and Butterbean.  When Lauren and I were going to take BB to be put to sleep, she was driving and I had a towel wrapped Butterbean in my lap.  Evidently Sam figured out what was going on because he ran out in front of the car and we hit him.  He took off into the field and I had to go back and look for him while Lauren did the job by herself.  

Mary Beth's sermon was about building foundations on sturdy ground.  As usual, I ate it up.  Lauren and Reaves were going to come today but it's just an outing for the moms this time.  No nap last week before the visit was a disaster with a capital D.  Dat baby needs her rest.  

Keep on keepin' on.  ^j^

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