Sunday, July 23, 2023


Me and the girls went to Bemis UMC for the 2nd Sunday in a row today and received another warm welcome.  Their reception of us has been a real reminder to me of how important it is to meet visitors at my home church.  I am really bad at remembering names and have often run up to greet someone who's been coming for awhile.  I reckon it never hurts.  Reaves was the only kid there so was sort of shy about going down for children's church wanting to hang onto her mama.  Ms Juanita took her back to the nursery after a bit but it took some nudging on our parts.  She took her walking talking unicorn with her and ran it under the pews until we made her stop.  Her name is Uni, by the way.  She is totally in love with Lauren's kitten JJ and they are joined at the hip.  JJ lets her hold him like a baby.  

Oscar has had one flea and tick pill and will get another one soon to try and ease his itching.  I haven't actually SEEN fleas but he's scratching something awful.  Bubba thinks he has mange but I don't know about such.  If he is not much improved I'll load him up and head to Pierce's for some kind of relief.  Mayberry came and mowed today and it looks so nice!  Lauren inherited a push mower from some kind soul so she does her tiny yard with it.  She was just waiting for the rain to stop.  

I went on a total rant yesterday and 89 people saw it before I decided that it wasn't what Jesus would do and deleted it.  Sometimes, you just gotta' vent.  And I've been plenty frustrated.  It can be really hard to just trust God to do things in his or her own time.  But, that's where faith comes in.  Moving mountains and whatnot.  

When I got back to the 'burg I ran out to check on my friend Laura Nell and she has survived, once again, a weekend with all her people gone to the lake.  I'll be back tomorrow for a full week of game shows with her.  "We won!" she exclaims.  I have come to enjoy family feud because you bloom where you are planted.  

Today's sermon was all about how the weeds threaten to overtake the grain and we should not take action because God is in control.  The advice of Jesus was to just let the weeds grow and separate it all at harvest.  Then burn those weeds in a bundle!  Patience is hard to come by sometimes.  

My friends are going to the beach in September and I would give anything to be going with them.  But, I cannot in good conscience do that because I owe people money and my goal is to pay them back because they trust me to do the right thing.  Lord knows I try!

Y'all have a great week and pray for peace ^j^

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