Saturday, July 15, 2023

dog days

I must say that even though it was hot as hades during that drought, it was much easier to tolerate without the stifling humidity that we have right now.  Lord how I hate to sweat!  The  climatology folks say that we are setting global records for wicked weather because of unusual weather patterns caused by global warming.  I have these flowers up front called "pink ladies" or "naked ladies" or as I call them surprise lilies.  The greenery comes up in the spring and then in early August ( usually ) they pop straight up out of the ground with thin green stalks and a pink bloom on top.  They are already coming up which leads me to hope that July is really August and the heat will let up.  Yeah, I'm an optimist like that.

Oscar is battling heartworms and has a nasty cough which keeps both of us up at night plus the evil cat walks all over me while I'm sleeping trying to find her perfect spot.  After an hour or so she decides to jump down and prowl the house.  Her saving grace is that she doesn't require a litter box and is trained to go outside.  

My early birthday present this year will be a colonoscopy on September 7th which I dread, but must be done.  I'll be starting a new job next week so that will have to be worked into the schedule.  Fortunately they are pretty much used to winging it so just my daily presence will be a big help to both them and my bank account.  If I have to drive way out yonder in rain like we had yesterday I'll for sure have to pull off the road for a bit.  I can't see worth a shit even with distance glasses even though my latest eye exam showed no change.  Bubba swears I need hearing aids but I can hear just fine if he turns the truck off. Just sayin'.

Tomorrow will be my Daddy's 92nd birthday, in heaven.  It seems like just yesterday that he was raising hell down here at the cabin, him and Mama trying to navigate old age together.  Yet they died five months apart 8 years ago.  He was buried in early August and I remember it being quite a mild day for his funeral.  Most of it is a blur since then.  I was still at the hospital when they both died which was a blessing.  I failed to go visit him on his last birthday on earth which I regret.  I had seen him the day before but as Mama said "It wasn't his BIRTHDAY!"  I also missed Mama's last Thanksgiving at the assisted living.  I try not to beat myself up over things like that but well, you know.

So much water has passed under the bridge since then.  I had a second shoulder surgery, retired, had a few good years and then boom.  Here came old age!  Since the big belly surgery it's been one thing after another.  My parents told me it was hell getting old and I believe it.  Doing it alone is even harder. 

Reaves and LP are having a quality time weekend without me which they sorely need and we are all excited and grateful.  I miss them but at least they are only 45 minutes away.  What I really miss is having them here at the cabin.  Such is life.  At least they're not on the other side of the country or world.

I have the stuff now to make Bubba's latest recipe suggestion so I guess I better get on it.  Sure to hate to use the oven and mess up the cool air but, duty calls.  Y'all keep it in the middle of the road and hydrate like hell ^j^

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