Wednesday, March 15, 2023


It has been a very long time since I saw the sun come up but I had a meeting and interview set up with my brother and Jimmy Hester down at the Junction store known as B&B which is where all the locals hang out.  Especially the farmers.  We were there on "second shift" around 8AM and after Bubba introduced us I climbed (with help) in the truck with Hester and got an up close and personal tour of some of the plots that he and his sons farm.  It's an old family business that was passed on to them through his father and grandfather. As a country girl I've often seen the equipment in operation but have never ridden in any of it.  Jimmy and Reed helped me to climb up into the spray rig and there we went guided by GPS, fertilizing the wheat until the tank ran out.  A refill was on the way from Caruthersville across the river.  More on that later when the story is done!

I'm still itching but the rash is beginning to dry up.  My dance card is pretty full right now but that's okay because, you know.  Idle hands and all that.  I had to scrape frost off the windshield this morning because I forgot to put the car under the carport so it took a minute to thaw before I headed to the Big Boy Junction.  So far the time change hasn't played havoc with my head like it usually does thank the 'lort.  My blooming peach tree is covered all redneck style with rolled plastic.  Bubba told me Daddy always said it's "nature's way of pruning" but....I like to save the living things like plants and animals.  I can really tell that 67 and a half years has slowed me way down.

Looking back, I don't know how I managed anything other than lots of wonky hours at the sawmill and child raising.  My mother was a lot of help with that and Lauren has a special place in her heart for MeMaw.  Reaves has met my parents through pictures and stories since they were gone before she was born.  She adores her Uncle Bubba too.  She's on the last day of her special trip to DisneyWorld and I have kept up through pics and videos.  I'm so grateful that she got to go at just the right age to believe in all things magical.  

Let's carry on with faith and hope ^j^

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