Monday, March 20, 2023

back to plan A

The good Lord did us a solid and things have worked out for the move this Saturday.  Mysterious ways I tell you!  Our original mover has healed enough from his burn that he re-scheduled so all is well at the moment.  I hit the ground running this morning trying to chase down estimates which were absurd and Logan happened to pop up and say he could handle it.  I love it when that happens.

Our community lost a dear friend over the weekend who died way too young.  She was on hospice in a Memphis hospital and surrounded by her three children when she passed.  Teresa is a long time friend of our family along with her brothers, sisters and kids.  The twin boys and  Sissy grew up together and had all kinds of teenage shenanigans at her house when they were at "that" age in middle school.  She always fed them breakfast after a sleepover!

It is much warmer today and headed up for the rest of the week.  I've been such a good steward with the propane that I'm still at 20% to get me started in the fall.  Being a single person and all I have just about decided that eating out is way cheaper than cooking, even though I love to do it.  No mess to clean up.  I've dropped about three more pounds which I didn't need to lose from being on steroids for a week.  There is a blood draw tomorrow and I'm praying that all that prednisone didn't hit my kidneys too hard.  At least it got rid of that rash.  Lawd...that was a nasty one.  

I'll be the liturgist at church next week so I read through the scriptures and they are LONG, especially the one from John.  His tales tend to run that way, ya' know.  My two stories are about dry bones coming back to life and the woman at the well.

And the wheat fertilizing continues.  Spring is a busy time for farmers...heck, all year is except for the dead of winter when they do equipment maintenance.  My least favorite thing is when the crop dusting planes hit the sky early in the morning when I'm still asleep.  I'll be in a corn box again this summer but will at least have wheat and beans from the front view.  That's farm life.

Be well and happy and humble.  And most of all grateful ^j^

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