Sunday, March 19, 2023

plan c

As we all know, the best laid plans can fail.  We had everything lined up to get Lauren's stuff moved today but, no.  Our friend who was to do the job has been on a welding job in Louisiana all week and something blew up and he got third degree burns on his arm!  So, we are once again looking for a moving crew.  Nothing is open on the weekend so that will have to wait until Monday.  The appliances are paid for but the owner works 8-5 during the week so umm, I don't know.  Once again, we are winging it.  She has an inflatable mattress, a TV and internet.  As my friend Jay said, that's more than some have.

At least she's over the worst of Covid and can go back to work this week.  She got to spend the night with Reaves last night and hear all about the magic of Disney World.  As for me, I have a ton of writing to do on the three interviews that I did last week.  All were very informative and interesting in different ways.  I learned about farming, beer brewing and Vietnam.  Budweiser was one of the staples that got delivered by ambulance to those on the front lines back then.  Gotta' keep those troops happy!

My house is a total wreck but I'm fairly used to that.  As soon as this move is done I plan to re-design the living room with a lot less furniture.  For myself, I'll be looking for a love seat to replace the huge couch that is going to Jackson.  My attic is difficult to get in and out of so the sliding plank that covers it has been open for a few days and Rosie cat is having a ball up there.  I can tell her location from where the sounds come.  I guess I can cover it back up for a bit to save on heat.  One more cold night and that SHOULD be it.  Fingers crossed.  I bought 200 bucks worth of propane to get through this spell and it has served me well.  The thermostat stays on 68 or 69 which suits me because it's easier to breathe.  Don't know if Daddy's transplanted peony is gonna' make it but if it's nature's way she will.

Keep the faith ^j^

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