Saturday, February 5, 2022


I am a patient person, and a survivor.  However, this whole past week has been a lesson in futility for me trying to get propane into the tank.  By some miracle the few drops that were left have kept the logs burning but they are now out and it's just me and two space heaters.  What makes me mad is that this is not the first time this has happened and there was plenty of time to make it right but the company did not.  Simply put, I am not a priority to them as a customer and this will be filed in the "change providers" bin ASAP.  It would be different if it were a power outage, which I had.  That is unavoidable.  Yet Forked Deer Electric and the Dyer County Highway department have done their best to provide power and clear roads.  Trucks can run.  It's clean as a whistle on those roads.  

Meanwhile, it's costing me 10 bucks a day in electricity just to keep those two heaters going.  I know I know.  I should be thankful I'm not sleeping under a bridge or something.  I'm trying to be gracious here but it's wearing me out.  Sometimes you just gotta' let it explode.  

Cabin fever got the best of me so I struck out to town after waking at 6AM and witnessing a gorgeous sunrise.  Of course I went to bed last night at six just to stay warm!!  Oscar won't sleep with me except on the couch and I miss having a snuggle buddy.  

It's so bright out there!  I've been feeding the birds and admiring them as they show their stuff.  They really stand out against that white background.  Ya'll keep on the sunny side ^j^

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