Thursday, February 10, 2022

my bad

I have been a slacker with all things spiritual for several weeks now.   As a result, the lethargy that has threatened to overtake my spirit is acting out like the devil.  I push myself to keep up with simple tasks like laundry and cleaning house because I want guests to visit.  If you've ever tried to keep a house sanitized with a colostomy in the mix, you know what a challenge it can be.  My ostomy nurse in the hospital taught me the basics of the new plumbing but it took me forever to heal from the surgical wound and learn how to care for an ostomy.  It's a lifelong commitment.  Along the way I have learned a lot and formed friendships with others who deal with the same stuff and give me tips.  

I have always taken good health for granted because I exercised and quit eating heart attack food long ago.  I did aerobics for about 10 years and that probably protected me a lot.  BUT that was in my 30s and this is now.  I still can't force myself to just "be" without distraction which the innerwebs provide a lot of.  I tell myself that I'm staying informed or working  but really I'm running from that small still voice of little Janie who wants to be heard.I take it as it comes in small doses like hearing from a friend who used my roasted pecan recipe over in Idaho with her Granny's Christmas pecans while she and hubs were visiting their son.  I always try to pay it forward like that too.  

Gas has gone up 20 cents this week and my brother says it's because of "my president."  Everybody blames everything on the one in the hot seat.  Yes, he is our president and that was validated on many occasions.   You can't STEAL an election unless you are a dictatorial ruler which Biden certainly is not.  The voters saw Trumpus going over the edge and got out in record numbers to try and stop the madness.  This man has had no official power since January 2021 yet he still has a cult following that would rival Jim Jones and all those Nike people.  If true Republicans want to reclaim their party and what it stands for, they should be very worried like the rest of us.  That Trump is helping to censure people of his party because they stand against him is scary as hell.  

I'm over it, but I ain't giving up ^j^

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