Saturday, April 24, 2021


We often think of that word in relationship to limits like state divisions etc.  You cross this line, the laws are different.  You trespass on my land, you're in trouble with the law.  That's one perception of the word.

Then there are personal boundaries which can be mighty hard to set.  We all know the ones who will be unable to set them and suffer at the hands of others.  It's a constant battle for me because I always want to "help."  What a good little codependent!  However,  I have come to the point where I'm not going to beat around the bush about anything.  I tell it straight if the lines of communication are open.  I have found that sharing myself with others lessens the burden for me.  

There is a set of phrases that are pretty much summed up by "I told you!"  This kind of passive aggressive behavior makes me feel like I'm five years old.  My Daddy did it and so does my brother.  With each boundary I set, I feel a bit more peace.  I have a lot of friends and they treat me in a lot of different ways.  When somebody worries about me, that's on them.  I'm okay and I've got you on speed dial.  When somebody calls or shows up out of the blue just to see my face, I'm delighted.  That means there's no agenda, I'm just loved.  

In a sense I understand why women stay in abusive relationships.  Mine have never been that way though.  If I sense a bit of toxicity, you're history.  Life is too short .  There is a beast facing all of us, and for each human it is different.  It consists of the trauma and pain that we lived through.  I'm about to meet mine face to face in therapy.  This should be fun, ya know!  I'm looking forward to it actually.  You can't beat therapy in your jammies.  

If I make a promise, I intend to keep it through thick and thing.  If a loved one NEEDS me, I expect them to call or text.  I'm not a mind reader.  I have watched zero TV since I've been here but today I've got OITNB season 7 going while I clean and organize.  

Y'all be faithful ^j^

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