Tuesday, August 6, 2013

plan D

Like a true Botwin/Newman I am constantly changing the plan according to how much money is needed to keep Casa Poops going and what options I have. Since my credit is shitty (thankyouverymuch assholes) I pretty much live on what I earn and try to make it stretch. BG gets paid on the opposite week as me so we have a little something coming in on a somewhat predictable basis. Not a lot mind you, because there was the big shingles ordeal and all, but still not too shabby by our usual standards of finance. Except for one faulty 100 dollar move last week, I actually went into a full paycheck with no OD charges looming. Had I not sold my heritage, that wouldn't have been possible. And so, onward I go pimping out the stuff that I've collected over the years to anybody and everybody who will show a girl a dolla'. Hey...you gotta eat.

Congratulations to one of my fellow writers who made the top 100 bloggers in Time magazine because, frankly, she's so damn funny she cracks me up every time, kind of like Mahala over in the holler. The Bloggess has a book or two and the blog is pretty much a way to tap into that so there you go. When I first started as a blogger I got noticed several times in the Tennessee area mentioning blogs worth reading, once by Michael Silence of the Knoxville News Sentinel which I thought was pretty cool considering we live on opposite ends of the state. I can't remember exactly what he said but it gave me the courage and stamina to keep on tapping for ten years even through the dark times when I was without internet access. It's my therapy, not my moneymaker. That makes a huge difference in the joy of the whole thing.

I got a message from someone that I totally respect the other day telling me how much she enjoys the blog, dogs and cuss words and all. My aunts and mama would be horrified just because they're southern ladies but that mold got broken eons ago. Now it's me against the world, trying to survive in today's piss poor economy. I cannot even begin to imagine how a single person making minimum wage can afford food and lodging, much less gas to get to work. It's ridiculous, ya'll. And all the while, the rich get richer. I don't begrudge them their wealth as long as the masses have what they need but that's not the case here in the USA. I am quite disillusioned with how much energy our POTUS has had to put out just to put out fires with stoopid Congress while we all continue to gasp for air out here and continue to pay all their salaries plus perks like health insurance. Enough is enough people.I have my favorites of course, and not many of them are of the Republican persuasion. I'm all about some Ron Paul because I do believe in a smaller fed and was against the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts from the get to. Unfortunately his idiot son is trying to ride on his coattails to the President's office. Elizabeth Warren and Al Franken are personal heroes of mine, as well as Barney Frank and Bernie Sanders. I guess you could call me a tri-polar voter.

The sun is out for the first time today so I'm sure it will be nice and sticky real soon. We'll see here in a bit after I go through the attic one more time. To everyone who has ever sent me an encouraging word because of this blog or me being who I am, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Money can't buy that kind of love^j^

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