Thursday, August 1, 2013

circle of life

One of the greatest things about being on facebook is that you (used to) could find somebody pretty easily if you know where they came from, as in family and stuff. I have found time after time that social media, or media period is a way for people to come out from themselves and talk about the problem at hand. Like eldercare. Lord have mercy and sweet baby jeebus! I heard that Castro plead not to be seen as an animal or monster because he's "sick." Oh REALLY??? You didn't just cop that plea you animal. If these girls had been mature women who were capable of making choices to save themselves, you would have missed your last um, how many years? of abusing them. Kiss my motha'effin' ass.

Several times lately I've spent time with folks that I remembered vaguely but came to know online only recently. One couple was here for their son's funeral and came by to visit on the 4th of July. Another was in town for a funeral and dropped by to pick up my contributions to her metal artwork thing in Overton Square. Her family moved here from "nowhere" really because they were military and her dad was on the go all the time. I remember their house tucked away on a shady middle class street looking all cool and stuff. And then the projects went in so there ya go. My ex lived across the street in a duplex and there weren't many guns then...that came later.

My friend Lorna wished me peace just a bit ago and I felt it because I have no choice. I'm too weary to try to run anybody's show anymore. It just is what it is and I'm a big girl. Got panties to prove it. No mama gave me HUGE granny panties for Christmas one year.! Maybe she was giving me a hint???? I feel like I've been wearing them for way too long and just need to be either comatose or having wild passionate sex movies on the mini-CD player with a big screen TV compliments of my bossfriend and her hub. They're nice like that.

For some odd reason I am beginning to believe that there is hope in this messed up world for, if not peace, at least not hurting each other. You could go to battle with dirty names and run them all the way back to from whence they came! Yep..I'm rambling. Time to tie this up and enjoy the day. Seize it ^j^

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