Saturday, January 25, 2025

silence is golden

The attic crew finished up about 11 yesterday and all is quiet at the moment except for the whir of the dryer.  I am very impressed at how quickly they worked and their respect for the fact that two of us are living here while they made hella' noise.  They all spoke some English so that helped.  The bonus was me getting to snuggle with an English bulldog pup while the contractor did his business.  Aon't nothing like puppy breath to make a girl's day. There is a whole lot of cleaning to be done but, thankfully, David let us borrow his shop vac for just that purpose.  If you need renovation work done, let me know and I will hook you up with him.  Also, his daughter is starting a cleaning seen blessedrvice and I can put you in touch with her as well.

LP and I are still sharing a phone because hers died, which is a challenge.  We hope to recify that when the money gets right if ever. We have been blessed with financial help from friends and family which has made life not so stressful.  My vision is getting worse worse by the day so I am grateful to have my daughter here to help out. She is very patient with me and we have long talks about family and our history here on the farm; I have a plethora of doctor appointments to make for vision and gut issues and she will be driving Miss Janie for all of that.  The state of Tennesse has a program for the visually impaired and Samantha has visited twice to do assessments and order things that I need. I am whittling down the list of meds that I take because many are not necessary any more.  Added daily Vitamin D and quit Bp med because it runs low now. I have lost 30 pounds since the big fat surgery 5 years ago.  This time five years ago, I was in a nursing home.

If you are anywhere close to Covington TN, please check out Sean Dietrich's show at the Ruffin on February 7th.  Tell him Janie sent ya'!

As always, keep the faith ^j^

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