Saturday, February 20, 2021

from whom all blessings flow

It's been a rough year for everybody, for many reasons.  I remember hearing stories of the great depression from my Daddy and I think we're getting close to a rematch.  He was a sharecropper's son who grew up working the land the hard way. It was a tough life for those who had no choice but to depend on growth to get them through.  With COVID and the Snowpocalypse and all the inconveniences that entails, we see it trickle down through every sector of society.  Who can remember not wearing a mask?  Going out to eat or to the movie?  Hugging random strangers just because.  

I can hear the ice falling off the cabin as the thaw begins.  I acted all mighty woman and made tracks on top of the old tracks at the other house to get some more stuff.  I've learned to do the rocking thing pretty well.  And thank you sweet baby jeebus I have a reliable car.  That was a big turning point for do or die time.  I have a new battery and patched tire so I should be good to go.  

I fully believe that we are all children of God regardless of race, sexual preference and whatever else there is. Oh, politics.  I had to snicker at Cruz getting caught in his jeans at the airport.  This kind of stuff doesn't make me happy but it is what it is.  Remember Christie on that Jersey beach?  It's not a partisan thing by any means.  Just public servants who get sidetracked by their own egos.  

I am vague at times because showcasing isn't my thing.  I try to use my writing for positive and uplifting things while reporting that life can be a bitch sometimes.  I haven't seen the girls in quite some time so maybe tomorrow. Reaves and I can play while Lauren organizes.  

For Yaya~Keep the Faith^^

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