Wednesday, January 13, 2021

impeachment redux

I was hospitalized in January 2020 so all I did was watch TV.  I was treated to days and days of impeachment the same week that Wuhan blew wide open and Kobe Bryant died.  This today was a whole 'nother deal.  Ten Republicans flipped on him but they were only expecting 8 so there ya go.  Me and my buddy were all primed to watch Kelly Clarkson today and got that instead.  When I left I was looking for something to leave her with and they were STILL covering the vote.  I offered Ice Road truckers but she said nah.  We both read a bit today and visited the beauty shop.  And Pearl loves me which helps the Ellie hurt.

The sun was out and it hit 53 today in the 'burg.  I'll take that any day over hovering in the 30s.  I see more and more people struggling with life trying to make sense of it all.  I have always been against the death penalty.  I know and eye for an eye and all that.  The first woman to be executed in a kazillion years was the gal who murdered the woman and stole her fetus.  The baby made it and old girl was arrested.  But here's the thing:  She was truly mentally ill and suffered at the hands of her addicted parents who used her for the sex trade and whatnot.  Very low IQ and a history of horrific trauma.  What did her death accomplish in the way of justice?  Not a damn thing.  

Here we go with the big abortion thing.  Unwanted pregnancies are avoidable with adequate education and access to birth control.  Both of these resources have been slashed because of the cut in Planned Parenthood funding.  Heck, I got MY birth control from the Memphis office when I was in college.  I'll never forget my Daddy slinging that letter from them at me one day like he was all pissed.  I did the right thing and was pregnant at the right place and time in my life.  

Yes, I'm a snowflake libtard. I believe in racial and gender equality and the right to choose.  I believe in the right to bear arms if they are not high capacity killing machines. And I believe that our nation and all its' little teeny tiny communities will be okay in the long run.  Signing off here from Pollyanna world ^j^

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