Thursday, December 24, 2020

then one foggy christmas eve

Christmas memories abound, and I distinctly remember one Christms Eve when I ran out of propane which is not an unusual thing for me.  My buddy Butch showed up that day to keep us from freezing to death.  I don't even remember who "us" was back in the day but I figure it was me and Lauren.  And it was cold and the stove wouldn't work.  I think I was still at the hospital at that time so I had a fat salary compared to what I'm living on now.  I still owe him money which I will pay back slowly but surely even though I'm moving.  You don't stiff a guy who's had your back for that many years.  

We had a small family gathering at the cabin this morning and ate some kickass food whilst enjoying everybody's company.  All three of us including da' baby.  She wanted to hug Uncle Bubba and we handed her over only to find that he didn't know the proper way to hug.  After that we finished up the laundry and 
Reaves played with baby Jesus and his crew.  I got lotso' presents and have a date at Huddle House in the morning with said uncle.  My gift to him was deviled eggs.  

I hope that Santa comes down your chimney or through the door, whatever works.  Reaves gets it this year so that should be fun for all.  She knows it's all about the virgin birth.  Praise be!

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