Tuesday, November 6, 2018

V day

I slept in kinda' sorta' in between letting dogs in and out.  They wake up when it's daylight and want to go roam.  Then they want back in for a snuggle.  There were errands to run and whatnot.  I got a call from Mamye as I was leaving the insurance agent's office ( thanks Brian Hinson ) and she told me that Teresa had a brain aneurysm and was flown to Memphis.  Prayers up, warriors.

My friend Larry gifted me with some wicker porch furniture so I scoped that out and made a plan to get it moved with Bubba's help.  The table is in my back seat, BTW.  Lauren ran over her phone with the car several days ago and it quit working today.  Guess who I had to call?  Why ATT of course.  With insurance, it will cost 115 bucks to replace the device which is not even paid for.  Jesus H.  We're communicating by messenger via tablet until the new device arrives.  That involves paperwork at the store tomorrow.  Gotta have a phone.

Sometime in the wee hours of the morning the shit show will be over.  I'm learning not to be so anxious about outcomes when I do my best.  The only thing constant is change.

Love you to pieces.  And your mama'n'all'them ^j^

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