Thursday, July 31, 2014

i voted

BG took me out for some air and a trip to the dolla' store for some pampering essentials when I happened to remember that there's only two days left of early voting. Wearing my signature RCR repair ensemble which is both sleeveless AND strapless plus dirty hair and unshaven legs I entered the polling place for my civic duty. Nobody looked surprised, least of all my friend Anita. Now I'm home for the day which is pretty good for 48 hours post-op. It's the key to preventing clots, ya' know.

I failed to take Lorna's advice on Arnica before Tuesday so the bruising has spread downward to about mid-boob level. Pain is tolerable at times and excruciating at others. The hardest thing for me is to find a comfy sleeping position because I'm one to lift my arms high and stretch to relax before drifting off. I tried the myofascial release ball last night on the bitch shoulder blade and while it hurt for the moment, it's actually a bit better. The surgeon told BG that there was a pretty fair amount of degeneration due to osteoarthritis so that is part of the problem as well. It's probably why I've been in pain pretty much on and off for four years. Let's hope the upward trend continues.

Mama is worried to death about me because she can't "take care of me" when I'm down, bless her heart. She threatens me daily with "I'll always be your mother" warnings to take it easy and not get sprunty. That's her original word for going beyond your physical limitations. I'm actually learning to enjoy daytime TV which beats the hell out of the night stuff in my opinion. I called the local chain DVD rental looking for season 2 of House of Cards to rent and part I was out of course. The whole season is "on sale" for 42.99. I think not.

My mind is on healing and regrouping to the point where I have some clear direction for my life. Obviously some of the areas in which I have invested my time and talent have not brought me closer to the goals that I set for myself so it's time for exploration of opportunities and whatnot. Life is too short to have people on your ass 24/7. Yep...that means you and you and YOU. My room is like a little cave with a candle burning and lots of essentials on the left hand side of the chair. Still, I'm amazed at the mobility of my right hand as long as the shoulder is propped on that little pillow.

The weather is nice and though not cool, not hot by any means and cloudy with low humidity so I'm getting in daily porch time for foot soaking and listening to Mother Nature. My last BF left his ratty ass rocker and foot rest out there so It's all good. As soon as it hits 90, I'll be back inside.

Holla ya'll!

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