Wednesday, October 31, 2012

hump day happenings

Welcome to my little world here on Pecan Lane where crises are plentiful and fortitude in short supply. Today I am totally grateful to be where I am and not in three feet of cold water like those poor folks in Jersey. That was one HELL of a storm. Chris Christie was musing about how sad it is that the landscape of the beach is changed forever, just as Big Ernie intended I reckon. Anybody with any sense whatsoever should by now realize that global warming is not an inconvenient truth but a stark reality with the arctic ice melting at such a rapid pace. Hey...the water's got to to somewhere, ya know? I figure eventually it will be like in Waterworld where we all jump from ship to ship. I hope I'm watching from heaven by then, or at least on the beach with Morgan Freeman.

Today's mishap took place at the gas/chicken store as we stopped quickly for ten bucks worth. Frazzled and in a hurry I forgot to put the cap back on so you can guess what happened after that. No sign of it anywhere. Why was I not surprised? Thank goodness we have a guy around to help out with that kind of stuff because I'm clueless. One of my co-workers is like the biggest kid of Halloween ever and always does herself up right, planning for weeks and months who she will be. Even though I knew it was Halloween, I still screamed like an idiot when the door opened and her ugly monster walking dead face stared me down. I also had to remember that when some chick with shiny purple hair got out to pump gas.

The friend that I mentioned earlier has received her sentence and has begun serving as of Monday. Most people believe that justice was done, if it can be said that in any given tragedy someone must be held accountable. There were many times when she faced a fork in the road and took the freaky one just like the rest of us do sometimes. But someone died as a result. She is a sold gold memory in my heart of a tiny black haired baby girl being held by her daddy with myself a whopping eight months preggo looking down and wondering what my own child would be like. The road has been tough, and I feel very blessed right now in spite of no sugardaddy action.

I'm such a conspiracy theorist dreamer that I wondered today if Big Ernie sent Sandy to get everybody's heads out of their asses before the election. The last two days of early voting were kinda messy. I don't know for a fact, but I do believe I read a tweet or something saying that Gov. Christie is praising the President's response to this crisis. Bravo, sir. He needs a break from all the fools trying to run him into the ground over Libya e-mails. At lunch we talked about how top government officials can watch the world unfold in "real time" kind of like on the Truman show and that really creeped me out.

One of the sad stories wrought from Sandy is that of a mighty sailing vessel from the port of St. Petersburg that went down off the coast of North Carolina. They were trying to run east but she caught 'em in the lifeboats. Not all of them made it to shore. The stunning photos taken from the flood stricken areas are eerily similar to what we see on a regular basis now. We have had back to back historic floods followed by a severe drought with who knows what's coming up next. Nothing surprises me when it comes to Mother Nature.

Peace and love ^j^

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Poopie ~~ I hope you can get your gas cap back. I have lost a lot of them in my lifetime. {And we've had three feet of water in our house too! That took over six months for us to be able to move back in and then we had no carpet on the floor.]

    We have a friend who did some time. That is now hurting him get a decent job. He cannot vote nor can he own a gun--it was a drug thing, not violent at all, still no guns for him.

    I believe that when a person does the time then if he/she seems to be rehabilitated should be given the benefit of the doubt and be able to have those priveleges restored even if on a string.
