I hate November with a passion, or as my friend Pax calls it "Novemblah." Everything dies and goes dormant leaving us to wait for the new beginning that each spring brings. Something got into me this morning and I went to early church which I haven't done in a hundred years. I'm one of those ten AM folks. My daddy used to go to both of them to make sure his choir duties were performed.
Mary Beth's sermon was about having to let go of things that separate us from God. Just let them die so that you can be re-born. I find it fascinating that Jesus knew early on that his mission was to die for our sins following His ministry. None of the disciples believed him, or didn't want to. They could not see, at that point, that they were being trained by the master to begin the work of discipleship. Most of them suffered consequences of some sort or another for believing what they were taught and spreading the word.
I come from a very loving spiritual background. My church has never been one to dwell on hellfire and damnation, but more like repentance, salvation and grace. I remember having many thoughtful conversations with a friend who was raised the OTHER way where everything is scriptural and there are lots of consequences for not going by the rules. She could not fathom that my God was one of love and acceptance. Over the years, that changed. I pray for those who are firm in their beliefs that only men should hold leadership roles in the church. There have been a lot of female clergy who have changed my life. Like Dell and Mary Beth and Annetta. I think the good Lord knows what he's doing when he shakes things up like that.
But then I'm a Methodist. And we are eternally there with arms open until it comes to issues like homosexuality. That one almost split the church. There are reconciling congregations out the wazoo and I'm all for it. I do remember at one point a gay man being sort of "not welcome" at FUMC, so he left. And I was ashamed. That was a lot of years back, mind you. But still..
I'm like a 4th generation of that church. I've visited others, but that one always draws me back. I'm glad I was there early because I got to see an old high school friend. Mysterious ways, y'all.
Let's all go plant some seeds ^j^