Wednesday, March 2, 2022

the scientist in me

I have been diagnosed with Stage 4 kidney disease which is as Hoss would say "not good."  The initial warning flag was an abnormal GFR in October of 2021 and from there I've watched the numbers climb and I am visiting nephrologists.  Being halfway in denial and a seasoned medical professional I am wonder how that happened so quickly.  What has damaged my kidneys to this extent in the past six months?  No tests have been done for autoimmune diseases which is something I know to look for when something goes wonky that quickly.  We shall see.  MT heal thyself.  A little bit of knowledge goes a long way when you are talking about health issues.

The weather has been glorious today with more to come.  I'm thanking God for that because the last two weeks were a bitch.  Today is Ash Wednesday and things didn't work out for me to go to church this evening so I said a little prayer and made a cross on my forehead with lemongrass ashes.  I enter the season full of doubt and fear and will probably be right there in the desert with Jesus for the next 40 days.  

Reaves is being put to sleep for dental work tomorrow so let's all send up a prayer on that one.  They have to leave Jackson and be at LeBonheur at 7.  I don't care who you are, putting a child under anesthesia is scary.  It was scheduled for about a month ago and she tested positive for Covid so it got put off.  Lauren got a call from daycare today that she was crying about her mouth hurting so she called and asked for an ASAP intervention rather than the next scheduled appointment in April.  Luckily there was a cancellation and her tears got them in.  

Our healthcare system is beyond repair and I am a prime example of that.  I won't go into the details but it's pretty complicated for me right now.  My nephrology appointment isn't until March 29th and the numbers are not looking good. 

My car needs work and that is scheduled for Friday as I hold my breath about the cost.  Let us all pray that it is not an expensive fix.  Overall, I would give my state of mind about a C but I am grateful not to be in the path of Russia's military.  Closed airspace is a start.  Sounds like Putin has some new toys to play with that will cause tremendous damage to the innocent civilians of Ukraine.  

Sorry to be a bummer but it is what it is ^j^

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