Tuesday, March 29, 2022

the magic of music

I am a forever music geek of all genres.  I really like it when it's live or almost the same as in  Vevo or Kelly.  I'm still non YouTube red because I ain't playing that game.  I've got enough subscriptions on a TV that I don't watch much.    eexcept for Netflix.  Just like that!  I can get my news on the laptop from my left leaning sources like CNN and NBC.  Next time I'm in a doctor's office I might catch a bit of Fox.  I'll have my phone so it's all good.  

For the love of Jesus God and Mary what is wrong with people?  We are so polarized by political games and distrust of government that everybody wants to fight.  I am currently listening to Long Road Out of Eden which is epic in my opinion.  I was so against that war that I made my Mama cry because she loved  Bush so much.  I love him too but he got used by a corporate baron who profited off of that war.  I have no reason not to believe that the same thing happened in Desert Storm.  Vietnam was different because none of those folks chose to be there but were drafted.  And for what?  To get sick from Agent Orange in their old age.  

War is hell for whomever is fighting and those innocent folks just trying to get along and enjoy their families.  It's all about greed y'all.  Jesus don't like that.  I read a piece today about how an ER doctor got fired from a for profit company for insisting on proper safety standards when  there were 8 docs and they were expected to cover the ER plus see inpatient codes.  Instead of hiring one more practitioner to cover the gap, they fired the whistle blower.  Is that what you want in your local ER?  I know for a fact if that particular dude who blew off my diverticulitis as IBS was saving money for the mothership by not ordering a CT.  Too late to sue him so I'll try to forgive.

That very same ostomy that I ended up with is now ulcerated.  Again.  The first time I went to Ripley to see my surgeon but his office doesn't accept my insurance now so there's that.  No pharmacy in town has silver nitrate so I'm headed for another specialist co-pay to get that tended to.  If it ain't one thing it's five!

Don't stop believing ^j^

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