Monday, April 22, 2019


It's a beautiful Monday and I've been out and about for a bit enjoying the day.  I visited with some friends in the Finley area and came away feeling hopeful.  It takes a village.

Brainstorming is often my downfall.  I get these grand ideas known as "the big picture" and get caught up in the little details of making something happen.  I'm learning to back off from that.  

Oscar is my little black and white rescue terrier.  He was horribly abused prior to coming to live here by default.  The past neighbors were responsible for that.  He kept coming up my way with big scoops cut out of his back and I called the Humane Society for a welfare check.  Dude said he couldn't afford to feed him so just let her have him.  As a result of this he is startled easily when he's sleeping which is often with me.  I've got scars to prove it.  Sometime during the night I put my foot in the wrong place and he chomped into it.  Lawd y'all.  From all the blood you would have thought there had been a murder.  My prayer now is that I don't develop cellulitis because I've had that from a dog bite in my hand and it ain't fun.  

I'm sitting here listening to music for inspiration ^j^


  1. I enjoy reading your blogs. You share your life so easealy.

  2. I've heard feet called ' the dogs ' but....
