Saturday, October 28, 2017

homeward bound

Overstimulation for a baby is like a big deal.  Reaves is used to being in the dark cocoon of her mama's house and all of a sudden she went for a road trip and got held by a bunch of strangers.  She and AJ rode in the back with Heather and Lauren to the 'burg.  I found them being passed around at Nanny's house.

Marilyn and Freddie dropped by a to die for couple of outfits while I was at Kroger hunting and gathering.  You can't find a damn thing up in there plus there's no parking.  Bubba was at lunch so I missed seeing him.  Abbey and Lorna and Mamye all came by.  Miss Reaves is wore ass out and fighting sleep.

That's all I've got.  Shhh.  Don't wake up the baby ^j^

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