Monday, October 16, 2017

guilt trip

I am back in the 'burg but Lauren is still in the hospital with Lord knows what.  There was a repeat CT today which, if normal, could be followed by an exploratory lap to try and find the source of the infection.  She's getting a double dose of antibiotics every 6 hours but her last white count was still 16,000.  She is almost one month post partum and has been re-admitted for D and C and now this.  As expected she's tired of the hospital and missing home and Reaves.  Erica is bringing her up for a visit this afternoon.  Hurry up and wait.  That's the name of the game in a hospital.  

She was upset when I left today and I understand that.  It took everything I had to walk out of there and leave her in God's hands via Dr Atkinson and a lovely nurse named Marietta.  It's bad enough to be all post C-section and hormonal but to not have your baby around is torture I imagine.  Those two are joined at the hip.  When I left we put my name and number plus a note saying "call anytime" on the white board.  Those things are quite handy.  I asked if she had seen this scenario before and she replied "once."  It was an abcess.

This too shall pass as my Daddy would say.  To Lauren and Reaves and all their tribe, I give you my undying love for growing our family.  That is what builds faith.  

My morning hospital TV viewing included a piece about a non profit organization that pays addicted mothers 300 bucks to get their tubes tied when there have been multiple pregnancies.  The founder took in at least 5 of an addicted mother's kids as fosters until she figured out that there might be an answer.  The doctors on the show tried to eat her alive for not putting the money toward other types of birth control that require compliance from somebody who's high.  Talking about the woman's "rights" and shit.  Those unborn babies have the right not to be born addicted and trembling.  It happens all.the.time.  

Last time I checked the news Trump was still POTUS and California was on fire.  I guess I better catch up.


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