Tuesday, January 29, 2013

the tax man cometh

As I have mentioned before, this "sluggish" economy is about to get the best of all of us and never more than at tax time. While the 1%, including the Walton family, makes out like a bandit ( 8% growth in income, plus some change) the rest of us are losing ground and going deeper into the hole. The expiration of that payroll tax cut is MAJOR and if we don't see some attempts at dealing with that budget in a realistic way, there's likely to be anarchy. The government and the government takes away. I see a whole lot of things that could be done to simply some of the most complicated problems and they're really not that hard. Healthcare, as it is set up now, is a free market product with insurance companies controlling costs. Their control is patterned after Medicare reimbursement rates which are ridiculously low for all procedures and services. That is precisely why more and more physicians are employed by corporations. They simply can't afford the overhead to run a practice where the rules change from one week to the next. The whole setup, including the FDA, keeps a lot of government employees in jobs who know little or nothing about medical stuff. I mean, come on ya'll...they're politicians by trade and they make the rules governing how we receive healthcare. Some of it is tax bucks, but the majority is hard earned employee benefits that we pay out the ass for. This is why an office visit co-pay for me...a very insured working gal..is now not within the budget. I have had abnormal paps for about five years now and it's all I can do to keep those twice yearly appointments plus one here and there with my FNP. It's much more efficient to administer healthcare plans state by state and many of them are hedging on that one. We'll see what Haslam does when push comes to shove. Our TennCare model was the shining star back in it's day. Now it's been cut to the bone where nobody has access except for kids and their mamas. BG goes to the local health department.

Military wise, I'd like to see this whole middle eastern theme end much sooner than 2014. Those people are crazy as batshit and so mad at us they could go tribal. I'd much prefer to have a strapping young man like Steven watching over me here on US soil. These folks have families and are being scarred for life by the effects of a never ending pointless war. WMD, my ass. We can thank Cheney and Halliburton for that ten years of agony. Poor Dubya didn't have the sense to see past becoming everybody's go to guy post 9/11. And then there was Katrina. Don't even get me started on that shit. That's a shining example of government infrastructure projects being waylaid and letting people get hurt. Sure, they know they're on the coast and hurricanes come. It was the RESPONSE that was so scary. It took GW two days to even notice it on the radar. It was a sad story about the poorest of the poor being swept away. The business district has rebounded, evidently more beautiful than before. But there are scars, just like in NY and NJ. Bad ones.

There is no way out of the debt that we hold as a country. It's nobody's fault, and a whole BUNCH of people's fault. It is what it is, and can't be fixed. The time is now to seek ideas that help people believe that investment in a small business is a good thing. It's the way of the village, and you know it always takes one. Nobody can be Big Ike forever or king of the world except for maybe that dork in Syria but his wifey is pregnant and mama's gone to Turkey so we'll see. A great big thank you to Yahoo! news for showing the bodies in the ditch. Made my day.

We got weather brewing tonight. At 72 or so with a strong wind, it's looking like about a 20 degree drop. Sure has been nice not having heaters on! Those suckers run the light bill way up. I went to e-file this afternoon and discovered that I don't have a 1099 that I need so I reckon that will wait too. Gah. Can a girl catch a break? My friend challenged me to be real the other day on things like believing in BF and Sugardaddy. If I had not seen a steady stream of kindness throughout the year of 2012, I would not have believed it myself. As for Sugardaddy, that's just my alter ego considering that I have all I need in life at this point. Faith is part of that ^j

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