Tuesday, February 14, 2023

and i'm sad

I missed church on Sunday and was able to watch the service this evening.  There is a lot of drama going on there right now what with the name calling and threatening over a vote to disaffiliate or not.  I do not get it y'all.  It's not a football game where somebody wins the Superbowl.  This is about community and the Kingdom of God.  Lest ye forgot, Jesus turned over a few tables in anger once upon a time.  

More dead school kids, 3 to be exact.  5 others are injured in critical condition because some spaced out mental health case gone wrong got his hands on guns and ammo.  We are responsible for that as a nation.  The NRS rules the roost.  The other side preaches about how guns don't kill people.  Considering the number of whackjobs out there with legally purchased automatic weapons, I disagree.

It is my parents' anniversary in heaven.  They planned it to get married at the church when Daddy was on leave from the Air Force in Korea.  Mama convinced him to go to the Methodist church when I was about two years old.  He was raised up Southern Baptist, ya' know.  For all the years after that he and Mama had us there in the row with them every week.  Daddy was in the choir so he came to sit with us after the anthem. Both of the boys slept through it.  

One of my most vivid memories is of the pulpit exchange with Reg Mallet from England.  I was still young and that was an exciting thing.  Wesleyans always appreciate the British.  Mama sold her wedding china to go on a trip there with her girlfriends.  She had a ball!

For a lot of reasons I'm sad.  I think that's pretty normal if you're a realistic type person who acknowledges loss and grieves appropriately.  I've found that when I don't?  It all comes out sideways as anger or depression.  

Spring is coming kids.  Maybe one more week of cold and we can cross the finish line.  Several years ago me and Lorna did an asparagus bed in the back yard all layered up with cardboard and dirt.  That was the very same year I had a farmhand to turn over my huge asparagus bed and kill it.  I ain't lying. That really made me sad!  Me and my husband planted it 30 years ago.  

On my walks down and up Pecan Lane I have seen wild asparagus growing from the days when there was a whole field of it across from mine and Charlie's old house.  That was where I watched my dementia headed daddy trying to round the cattle up slapping on the truck door and driving like a maniac.  They got sold shortly after.  Charlie's house also has lots of peonies from back in the day when they shipped them all over the country.  There was a chute to the basement where the flowers were packed for transport.  And a pond out back with swans.  I can thank Ms. Mary Crawford for that memory.

I hope somebody gave you a Valentine's happy....a smile or hug or candy.  My buddy Joy ate all of her little box for breakfast.  And you know what?  That's what it's all about ^j^

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