Monday, April 4, 2022

one of these days

That's what my brother says if I fail to answer and call him back.  I hope it ain't today because I left my phone at another house and am adjusting quite well as long as I have the innerwebs.  I figure there's got to be a way to call 911 up in here.  I love sitting on my porches but blackbirds are in season and it's like "very noisy".  Plus they poop on everything!  It is now growing season number two for me down here and I'm amazed at the little bits of what I planted survived and are peeking out.  Like stargazer lily!  I think that will be the first thing I smell in heaven.

Lots of folks are putting off buying their stuff because their beds aren't clean.  Mine aren't either but those leaves sure are good mulch fo' free!  I'm mostly a perennial kind of gal because it saves on landscaping in the long run.  I noticed a tiny bit of my clematis coming up by the porch.  I'll try to train it ;)  I'm hoping Mayberry has taught his sidekick what's a flower and what's not.  I may have to give little dude a walk around the yard before he weedeats.

I got nothing but random musings today.  I hope it's not been a bad Monday for all y'all.  I'm still above ground and functioning so I'll take that ^j^

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