Sunday, April 17, 2022

he is risen

Saturday was a fun and tiring day for me and the girls.  We started early and headed to Ridgely for my family's Easter egg hunt.  Reaves was in heaven with all those kids running around like the chickens WITH the chickens.  She got to meet her cousins and a whole lot of other folks whose names I will never remember.

I woke up feeling pretty crappy and like watching the Easter service online.  Jesus told me to put on my big girl panties and finish what we started at the beginning of Lent.  It was (of course) packed with out of towners visiting their families and the whole thing was spectacular and moving..  I made friends with a little girl sitting next to me who was ummm..somewhat restless.  She went back and forth to Mama and Daddy most of the service.  We were some of the first to receive communion so while the rest of the crowd headed down, she and I made friends.  I had on two of Cari Houston's beaded bracelets and I gave one to her.  We continued to chat as folks marched the aisle.  I'm thinking she was about 2 but she told me six!  There is a little miracle waiting around every corner.  

The flowering cross was beautiful as usual and the line was long to get your family photos done,  And then it rained.  Again.  I remember once when Mama was too sick to go to church on Easter and I took her by just so she could see it.  It lasts for days!
These church people are my family too.  I interact with a lot of them outside of church activities too and I know they walk the walk.  When Mary Beth presented Dakota and his family for their departure I started to cry.  I knew it would happen.  I will be visiting Tupelo soon to see what the big guy has planned for them.

I am so sick of rain I could just kick the wall, but that wouldn't help a thing plus my right knee is out of sorts.  Everybody I know my age has aches and pains, some more than others.  It's just a part of aging gracefully...putting up with the hurts and whatnot.  I'll be calling the urologist tomorrow AFTER the eye appointment to see what's up with the CT I had on Thursday.  My next scheduled appointment isn't until May and I'm not the patient sort when it comes to that.  As many  health issues as I've had in the past two years, I need to know whether to plan my funeral or take up running.

I visited with my Hindu friend and his wife on the way home and he explained to me a bit about their customs and holidays.  I think it's cool to understand why people believe the way they do.

Happy Easter to all y'all and your mama'n'them ^j^

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