Thursday, March 12, 2015


Ryder disappeared yesterday when I left for work and BG said she never came back after pacing and panting all night with the spawn of Chester about to be delivered. We found her yesterday afternoon in a hole under the barn floor and heard squealing so it was a done deal. We left food and water and she never touched it. As one who has hosted many "in home" births over the years including Ryder's AND Sophie's, it's a huge mess and forget whatever furniture or floor it happens on. Take it outside and under the porch. That would have been too easy I guess...she's not real bright but beautiful!! Sophie has Faith's spirit and color and that brings me comfort when I miss her sweet self. My friend Mary Gwyn has lost both of her parents in the span of a week after helping care for them for many years. She and her brother are both nurses which helps.

Mom was all smiles yesterday when she called to thank me for the buttercup I sent with Bubba and Sally. Sally's about to have babies too only hers are high dolla' purebred. The day before I happened to call Mom when she was having a meltdown and mad at Daddy and generally pitiful. I listened a lot and laid out options, the same ones that have been discussed ad-infinitum. She told me she'd "think about it but you don't know what 61 years is!" "Was it all bad?" No, just since I went away for four months and came back. *sigh* Obama, you listening??? Evidently Bob Corker is a rockstar right now and I'm not sold on that until he stands up about eight million more times. I mean REALLLY? So here's a really cool scenario that most people with intelligence will totally get. My cousin, who just happens to be in the court system has this follower who jumps on every single thing he posts that's against the conservative madness of today. Another friend called her out the other day and we had an entire discussion about her troll ways which she never even got because she's too busy trying to argue. Jeezus girl..give it a break. Either that or go mess with Theo.

No ISIS videos in a week. The rivers are up and it looks like several days of rain so we may have to drive through water in our reliable vehicles to get to the day jobs. BG was officially selected as a 'gentral employee today and I couldn't be prouder. We have been through some crap, I tell you. There have been times when we've doubted each other and tried to place blame, but always...always. We want what's best for each other even if it means change. She's going to say goodbye to Booger's brother who is going on a road trip for spring break a new life. Good luck're gonna' need it because Florida is about to break off and float to Cuba.

I spent some one on one time with a friend's mother today and it made me sad to think about that generation leaving us behind to figure things out. I have learned so much from my parents about ag and cooking and being a farm family. It's a life that so many never get to experience. I remember when the cows got sold and how quiet it was after that...nothing but the breeze and coyotes. And backwater, of course. My friend Chucky got filmed as a historian of the flats of the Big Muddy down around the family farm. She giveth and she taketh' away. Same for the Yarbros and other big land owners. With weather like we've seen, there's probably about to be a new reality show. I won't be able to see it because TV has to wait for payday.

I did visit a store for compost and pansies today plus three potted herbs. Basil is a must-have and rosemary too. Oregano is good too! They will go into my straw bales on the ground after danger of frost is gone. I'm serious, umkay? Y'all keep the faith and take a puppy.

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