Monday, April 14, 2014

along the road

So, a monsoon came through last night and filled the ditches to overflow all over town. As I wound my way to the sawmill this morning the Camry got splashes of mud all over the new tires with no hubcaps, still. Baby steps, ya know? It has showered on and off all day and is much cooler and more spring like. The humidity yesterday was enough to choke a goat, and a southern one at that! I'm gonna take my chances with what I planted tonight because it's sheltered by the house, one of the beautiful things about container gardening. My friend Joe posted a picture of his garden full of poo and it already had a green thing growing...broccoli maybe? We'll get there, but no time soon unless I can round up some help. I went to my FNP today to get started on checking out the shoulder damage because it's simply not getting better. The current injury in tandem with the knotted up bitch on that shoulder blade is about to get more than I can bear and I do pain really well. She ran me through the range of motion stuff and made tsk tsk noises at the pops and groans and most especially the movement that causes the most pain which is straight up or back. At least then we'll know which way to go with physical therapy.

I remember a co-worker who worked for months with a frozen neck even going on a dang CRUISE instead of having what she needed which was surgery. She still can't move her neck easily so what was the point? Syble and I discussed how horrible the insurance companies are when contracting for their patient's medicines. I use an albuterol inhaler and have for years due to severe allergies ( yeah, i know. five dogs) Asthma was diagnosed and I did the injection therapy for years until it wasn't in the budget. Daddy still's part of his Sunday routine, if you will. Only we couldn't find it yesterday because the vial fell in with the cheese or something. I'm telling's like a freaking zoo around here..I went to sleep about 7 last night to a nice steady rain and woke up lord knows when hearing Boogs screaming like he was being murdered. He does that now and then but this time it went on and on and ON! Poor Shannah and the older kids had the light on and she was just rocking him and pattin' that butt trying to make it all better. We think it's a tooth but who knows. Maybe he just needed to be held while he cried...I know that feeling.

It's nice doing business with people you've worked with before because it's takes away the barriers that keep providers and patients from being honest with each other. If your BUN is a tad high you're drinking too many diet dr peppers, comprende? BP is good (with med)and temp normal. Little wheeze left side, no biggie. Halfass controlled with the cheapest inhaler du jour of the megagiantpharmacy network. These devices were mandated to all be constructed and delivered the same way but some work better than others. Too bad if that one's not on your insurance formulary. I've used Ventolin for years with nary a problem. ProAir is a whole 'nother story. So anyway I've got my refills of happy pills and allergy meds for about three months. You gotta love an office that still has Easter candy on the counter.

So, here we are the day after that triumphal entry. Can you feel the mood beginning to change?

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