Thursday, August 3, 2023

modern medicine

I have a GP and he is a doctor.  Back in the day, one doc did it all.  Now, we are pitched off to specialists which are booked out two months.  Case in point...I have foot drop and severe neck and shoulder pain on the left side.  I was given seven days worth of muscle relaxers and a steroid injection to get me through until my neuro appointment in October.  PT cannot start until then.  The Flexaril makes me wonky but I have to have it.  Let us hope that I can get a refill or two.  If not, I might just shoot my eye out.  I had never heard of foot drop until I Googled it and discovered what was wrong with my gait.  It's not a total mess, but annoying because I can't flex my foot.  I know...I'm grateful for the pain and trials.

I am staying busy with the old folk and their needs which seems to be my calling.  It takes a different breed to meet them where they are and form a bond for safe passage.  One thing I have noticed is that many of them act different around their kids than their caregivers.  There is always a family dynamic in play.

Anywho..that's my story for today ^j^

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