Friday, June 1, 2012

misery and company

BG and I are both sick with some kind of epizootie that swells the throat and gives one's head the feeling of being under a bucket. Loss of hearing too. Plus feel like poop on top of that. That, combined with our lack of funds, has her absent from the babachelorette party and home with mom and no teevee. Fun times! We watched "One for the Money" yesterday and were amazed at how the actors were all cast just as we had imagined them from reading all something-teen books. $1.32 vs twenty bucks to go to a theater if one is only patient, ya'll. I'm to the point where if it doesn't come to me, it doesn't happen because home is where I want to be. I started (trying to go) to bed about six yesterday with a nice steady rain drumming outside...heaven. And then the phone began to ring. And again. At least I was reclining while I talked about this that and the other, mostly to do with eldercare and daddy's ornery streak of late. We shall double dose him as of tomorrow and see if that makes mama's life a bit easier until we can get this whole thing organized for a transition. I thought I was through with the meltdown, but phase II hit me this morning, probably because I missed a day of celexa and haven't caught up. Talked to my dear Lake county friend who is about to have her home taken away, one more victim of the predatory lending practices that have been the downfall of our economy. Here's my question to the lenders...who the hell do you think is gonna buy this repo stuff if nobody has any money but the rich guys who already have houses in the Hamptons and the Bahamas. You think they're gonna snatch up a bargain in northwest Tennessee just because Reelfoot Lake (used to be) is there? They are becoming a port with a whole bunch of rich people up in there doing construction and making MORE money. Supposedly it will revitalize the economy in this poverty stricken area that is legendary for the lake that was formed in the big earthquake of 1812, I believe. Located next to the mighty Mississippi, no less. Onward port authority. Always remember that Big Ernie is watching. I know from experience that grief isn't something that can just be blown out in one big gush of tears and brushed under the rug. There are stages and relapses and whatnot and I'm prepared to go through them time after time because in my heart I know it's the only way. To top it all off this afternoon, I saw my ex-roommate at the gas station leaning against a car with a 40 oz chattin' up some guy when I swung in to get beer. He never turned around and made eye contact, which kinda surprised me. He's always the charmer who has a line that he pitches out like a pro to make himself look good. Ya'll think he might actually have a conscience? I doubt it. I told my friend yesterday that I'd rather spend the rest of my life alone than with someone who shows that much disrespect for a "girlfriend." My bad. The demolition of my childhood grocery store is almost complete and I never even got a glass block or a brick from it even after I asked real nice. I should have just gone up in there and stole it like all the thugs who put Mr. Van out of business with multiple robberies. Well, of course there were the back to back floods that contributed to the swan song too. It is what it is, ya'll. ATT will pull the plug tomorrow so I'm out of the web until we get that caught up. Might be a good time to not procrastinate and carry on with the cleaning and packing and burning without the distraction of the people who live in my computer, as Lois Lane calls us. I have my camera back...the weather has moderated. Possibilities? I think so. ^j^

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