Sunday, June 23, 2013

never kick a girl when she's (been) down

Today is, of course, eggs and doughnuts day and we tried to go somewhere different just for the fun of it and I'll be darned if they weren't closed. we go back to where we started. My mother the smart one has decided that the way to keep daddy from rushing her out is to sit on the outside in a booth so he can't move until she gets done. He sat there and glared for five full minutes at the omlette she was daintily eating. I had to get up to keep from laughing out loud. About that time I got a frantic call from BG telling me she "almost went to jail" for pitching a hissy fit up in a convenience store because the owner was rude to her and refused to let her make a purchase with change. Seeing as how her former employer across the intersection is kicking ass on that side of town, that wasn't a very smart move. Strung out from stress and recovering from an infection, old girl snapped and cleaned all the slim jims off the counter on the way out with him calling her the B word. Effing dick. She doesn't get mad often, but when she does she cries just like me! All of Mike's friends have decided we're gonna complain to the BBB on that guy's arrogant ass. I mean it's not like he has anybody up in there but people from 'hood and pawn shop. So, mr arrogant arab, please remember that here in West Tennessee we southern girls deserve to be treated with respect and whatnot. Otherwise, your ratings will decline even further. I've had the door dropped in my face by one too many of you arrogant pricks. Go to Allah and don't let the door whack you on the butt.

On a lighter note, Snowden is plotting his asylum while the entire political machine gets their panties in a knot and the MSM goes on a rampage. My favorite pic is of one where O and Janet are quoting about how if you know something you should tell it. There there's his picture with the simple word "did." I've never really been a huge conspiracy theorist I just think that it's out of our hands so we might as well play along and enjoy the ride. You know? Big Ernie is running the show, not me or you or the freakin' Westboro baptists. I've been studying my budget pertaining to beer and have decided that it's entirely too expensive for the buzz. Other choices are quicker and more pleasant and cost efficient. I never thought I'd see the day I didn't want at least one brew. I could have bought a new car with all the cans over the years!

The wheat harvest is about to commence and that will play havoc with our already stirred up allergies. Note to self: new AC filter. My late cuz from Ky learned all about heat and air from her hubby and she told me to use the cheap ones since we have so much dirt and dogs. The others are for REALLY cleaning the air and clog up quickly. It's still hot as hades...96 on the sign at Dairy Queen where we stopped for dilly bars in bulk. Gotta have 'em, ya'll.

Faith is not something that can be seen, only felt. Cousin Janice told me on the phone that she could feel my love across the miles and that's amazing. Today there was a pic of all the girls smiling.


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