Thursday, June 27, 2013

let it be

Well well..the plot thickens. Just as everyone expected Rick Perry got his ass whipped by a girl and it pissed him off enough to knock her down once and for all. Funny thing, though. He can't do anything about those "anarchists" in the gallery screaming and generally causing civil unrest in the famous building. And they will be there dude, in numbers. And next year is an election year in which you and your ilk (McConnell and Paul for example) will be trying to defend the willful evil ways of your party against society as I have known it. Shame on all ya'll. Your mama's would not be proud of your money grubbing mean ways.

In other recent news Snowden is still NOT in my basement unless he's hidden in the corner behind the door which could happen I suppose. I'm hauling shit valuable stuff out of the basement and I'm telling you this old gal is not what she used to be. I just about lost my balance with the brass bed and that would've been a big splat on the concrete. I'm leaving the doors open so the humidity can air out and cut down on the visible MOLD up on the AC ducts. Ewwww. It's hot and now they're cutting wheat and starting scary as shit fires to try to get those wheat beans planted.

I ran across this little grow lab thing we had down there trying to germinate flower seeds and had to giggle at the stupidity of who we were spending time with then. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and I'm happy to say that in spite of our financial woes we are happy because we've learned to "act as if." How would I feel if I didn't have that particular thing to worry about? I'd probably worry about something else because it's in my genes. That's why it's taken so long for me to learn to chill out.

I sold a piece immediately yesterday on a local resale site and was happy to see it go to an appreciative owner. There's a lot of history up in that thing. Same for the brass bed and vintage windows. The rest of it is mostly scraps and work tables with chalk graffiti on the walls from BG's teenage days. Home sweet home.I'm off the clock and loving it.

Faith ^j^

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