Tuesday, April 11, 2023

dust in the wind

I'm ready for a walk but there is dust everywhere because of the prep for corn planting like plowing!  My allergies don't like that so I'm in the house for now.  I visited my PCP yesterday and got a new med to try and help with the gut action. We shall see, I've had one dose.  Poopie is still hurting from the liquid output.  As of yesterday's visit I have lost six pounds in a month which I don't really have to spare.  In my prime during my 20s I weighed 128 and I'm lower than that now.  When I graduated from Med Tech School I weighed a whopping 180 and gained up to that again during my pregnancy with BG.  I want to eat something good so badly but until this is under control it's bland bland bland.  If I liked bananas that would help.  I was referred to a local GI specialist (again) and will see my favorite NP Angie on that visit but it's several weeks away.  In the meantime there's Tylenol only because of kidney issues.  

What a beautiful day it is!  I'm trying to get organized here but there are two calendars going and I've resorted to just making a daily list of "things that need to be done."  Much of that involves funerals with a few interviews mixed in.  The eagle poops tomorrow and hopefully it will get transferred to my current account in a timely fashion.  The girls at Simmons have been very patient with me since I have no online banking for six months.  I've had to change DD info for my two monthly deposits but of course SS takes two months to go into effect.  A pox on the scammers who caused all of this.  I have to take ownership that I was stupid enough to be conned.  And all because my FB account was hacked as well.  Sometimes I think social media just ain't worth the trouble, yet that is a way of life for all of these days.

My cousin Fred the great did my taxes for free and all I have to do is mail it in.  Hey...I have a few days and will be late.  I may get my small refund by Christmas.  *sigh*

Y'all continue the Easter experience from here on out.  As Christians, we are called to that ^j^

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