Sunday, January 30, 2022

come on people now

For the life of me I can't figure out how somebody can get their jollies by hacking a facebook account.  It's happened to me several times and is annoying as hell.  There is no point to it.  You can't get my money that way so I guess your are bored out of your head.  All my friends know they're already friends so they give me a heads up when it happens which it did today.  Get a life people.

I was absent from church today because the cupboard was bare and I was forced to hunt and gather at Kroger.  For a change, they were well stocked.  I guess the truck ran.  I ran into an old paramedic co-worker and we chatted at the deli counter about how nobody has any help and providers are stealing people from each other.  The struggle is real.  If you can make 100 bucks an hour for travel, why not unless you have a family at home.

These are things that most folks take for at your beck and call, full grocery shelves etc.  The new normal includes masking up and waiting in line.  The checker today was super speedy and probably already has carpal tunnel syndrome but he and the bagger got me out quickly even with two in front of me.  

Today is a tad bit warmer so I plan to take in some Vitamin D on the deck.  Ain't nothing like it in this world.  Y'all be careful out there.  Be nice and don't hack ^j^

1 comment:

  1. Too cold here, but later in the week - we will see near 70's again. I can't wait. My daughter has thought about travel nursing. Some places are paying $10k per week, I hear.
