Tuesday, April 21, 2009

roll with it

Yow. Life seems to be coming at us in a thousand different directions doesn' it? This my second day off and I'm STILL playing catch-up on things that I'm too tired for when I'm working. Not whining...just saying. This is why the upcoming beach trip looks like crack to me at the moment. Two and a half weeks...graduation....beach. That's my mantra.

My very social choco-lab named Faith has a tendency to wander up toward the highway where all the wrecks happen and usually somebody falls in love at first sight with her and calls the vet's office. I've picked her up at UPS multiple times, once at ATT and today at Smith's Auto Service. Not to mention all the trips to doggie jail. She just wants to visit, bless her heart. Anywho...I got a call from work telling me she was at the vet's office waiting for me to pick her up after this latest excursion. We've been talking lately about how our adopted cat, Circle K, hasn't improved much in the four months since she was rescued by Yaya on the side of the highway. There was probably head trauma leaving her unalble to groom herself, drink (except with a dropper ) or use the litter box. This meant frequent baths and even one infected finger when she bit me while I was force feeding water. Since I was headed that way, I took her for a final "rest". This poor cat has done a brazillion miles in circles since we've had her and walked like she was on a three day drunk. Like mama said, there's a limit to what's humane.

Rest in peace Miss Kitty ^j^


  1. It still is a hard decision to make, but it sounds like the right thing.

  2. Hello my friend! I'm finally catching up with my friends!

    You absolutely did the right thing for Miss Kitty, poor little thing.
