Wednesday, January 8, 2020

from bad to worse

I went to Ripley today to touch base and share notes with my GI doc.  Thankfully the terrific pain has subsided for now due to Bentyl.  There were two letters in the mailbox when I got home and one of them blew me out of the water.  I have been enrolled in the marketplace for a year and a half with no premiums and a high deductible.  The letter said that my premium is now 1350 per month with no change in income..WTF?  I spent a long time on the phone with both Blue Cross and the Marketplace and ended up having to cancel my coverage until I can to my agent and figure out what the heck is going on.  This is not what I needed to hear.  I have until March 8th to figure it out during a special enrollment period.  Part of this is due to the IRS not applying one of the forms that was filed with my tax return.  I'm telling you, the deck is stacked against the little guy.

I am eight months away from Medicare in that "gap" period.  A poster child, if you will, for all that's wrong with our healthcare system.  Everybody in the whole wide world is sick and the system is gouging us while we're down.  Single payer is the answer.  

We try so hard, my little tribe and I.  Lauren has a stress fracture in her foot following flu and pneumonia and is at risk of losing her new job unless somebody at Goodwill corporate has a heart.  She's a hard worker and has done well and had a series of unkind events, sort of like me.  Just bless all of us.

Meanwhile, the argument continues over whether Trump is a war monger or a patriot.  "At least he took him out" is something I've heard over and over.  But at what price.  The skeptic in me thinks that the plane crash was way too close to the drone strike to be random.  Who knows what the truth is anymore?  We're being fed by the media which is controlled by dark powers.

Sorry for the whiney butt stuff.  My faith will reappear soon but for the moment it needs a boost.  Please pray for and with me ^j^

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